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Architectury API

Architectury API is an API that aims to provide common hooks for both Minecraft Forge and FabricMC Based Modloaders (like QuiltMC), allowing you to make mods for more than one mod loader more easily. Architectury API is part of a bigger toolchain called Architectury.Architectury contains other stuff, such as Architectury Templates (previously known as ArchitecturyLoom or ArchLoom), which is an enhanced version of Fabric Loom which can work with other loaders such as Minecraft Forge and RiftMC (unofficially) and has many cool features such as the ability to use loom on MC Forge, using Yarn, MCP, Legacy Yarn, MojMap, Quilt Mappings, and many other mappings on these different platforms. While some of these features already exist in existing Gradle or other dev environments, ArchitecturyTemplates is a very convenient and elegant, though unofficial, option. Architectury Templates do not require Architectury API, making it a good environment for even non-Architectury mods. ArchitecturyTemplates builds off its predecessor, ArchitecturyLoom, by allowing you to target multiple loaders in 1 main Gradle project with child projects, which, combined with its other features, makes it a replacement for The Corrupt Jaredll08’s MultiLoader Template, whose author is explicitly against Yarn and does not work with as many Fabric-like loaders and uses MojMaps, bans people for no reason with ban networks, and has many other issues. Architectury Templates default uses MojMaps, which can easily be changed by editing the build. Gradle. You can learn more about Architectury Templates here. One Drawback is it has some instability and issues; however, it is possibly more stable than ForgeGradle and has limited IDE support, primarily supporting Visual Studio Code-based and IntelliJ IDEA-based IDEs. It does not officially support Eclipse-Based IDEs, but I commonly use it in my projects with RedHat CodeReady Studio (Eclipse-Based). In most cases, it works fine, so it works fine under Upstream Eclipse. Another potential issue is Fabric Loom; in some cases, it requires Java 17 to run, which may make it a bit trickier for modding in versions before 1.17.Architectury API is primarily the name of the API used in developing mods for Architectury. It comes by default in most cases when starting a project with Architectury Templates (unless removed from the Gradle dependencies). There are different installation methods for different configurations:Players install Architectury API just like any other mod.    Modders  using Architectury Templates or ArchLoom will get it by default when     Generating Sources and configuring for the preferred IDE.    Modders     using Traditional ForgeGradle, FabricLoom, QuiltLoom, or other     development environments will need to add it manually like they add     other dependencies. Not using Architectury Templates, though, is not     recommended as sometimes Architectury needs to add custom files and     Architectury Templates have better integration.For Developers, Architectury API provides many hooks and is optional for some but REQUIRED for other mods. It abstracts calls from the Minecraft Forge API and Fabric API, which have different ways of doing the same things. It has over 80 event hooks. It also has networking, registries (which is very important considering MC Forge is invasive when it comes to those), Loader Calls, Platform Abstraction, Fuel, ItemGroups/CreativeTabs, Fluids, Key Mappings, and other things. Some parts are easy to use and elegant, while others are harder and/or uglier. They have excellent documentation https://docs.architectury.dev/api:introduction that you can read while making your mod with it. It works a lot with EventBus, which could make it harder for some who need to know how to use EventBus/ModContainer. It is prevalent, making it less of a hassle for players making mod packs. Architectury API is required to play the mods in most cases.For Players, Architectury API is a Must have for many mod packs because of how many mods use it. Just install it like any other mod, and you will be fine. Architectury API, like some other mods, may have issues with Optifine; while running it, you may get limited support. The authors suggest you use an alternative to Optifine. https://lambdaurora.dev/optifine_alternatives/ and https://fabricmc.net/wiki/optifine-alternatives and other places are well-known for providing Optifine options.Architectury API does NOT allow people to play MC Forge Mods on Fabric or vice versa; it is a platform that you develop mods for that work with both.Architectury API is one of the most common mods in Minecraft because of its well-known ability to make mods for multiple loaders. Even if one does not use the Architectury API, they still may use Architectury Templates, and there are cases of non-Architectury mods, including Architectury-based files. Architectury API does not include a loader or abstraction to allow you to easily make two versions of the mod in 1 file (though it may be possible with some other work). It is also not designed to make mods work across Minecraft Versions (Though it may be able to unintentionally in some cases). In most cases, one will need to provide different files for the Forge and Fabric Versions of their mods. These drawbacks make it more stable, fast and reliable. Still, they differentiate it from things like LitLaunch or FeatureCreep do contain loaders and APIs that allow you to create multi-platform mods that work across Minecraft Versions and Loaders with one file. Architectury is also different from Forge Porting Lib as PortingLib is just a copy of many of MC Forge’s features but does not provide the same hooks making it, so people need to maintain wildly different code bases with PortingLib.Architectury is used by many big mods such as Roughly Enough Items (one of the Architectury authors), Applied Energistics 2 Wireless Terminals and Custom Machinery.Architectury does have some controversial people around it. However, REI’s founder, shedaniel is the main person behind it and has some controversy; LatvianModder (Owner of ModdedMC and KubeJS with a questionable record) and triphora (former QuiltMC mod, former PrismMC mod, and Modrinth admin with a dubious history and beliefs) are also involved along with some other less controversial people like maxneedssnaks.


MultiLoader Template

MultiLoader Template is a mod development template designed for targeting Minecraft Forge, QuiltMC, and FabricMC in one environment. It is a Gradle project containing four nested Gradle projects, each doing different tasks and used for building your jars. There are many different versions, both official and unofficial which do various things, such as Quilt Compat, Kotlin, Kotlin DSL, and others. Multiloader alone has no dependencies outside of a Java Development Kit and an IDE; however, it is easy to implement 3rd party dependencies if your mod needs them. MultiLoader is only recommended for those with more experience modding and independently working with Quilt, Fabric, and MC Forge.MultiLoader is not a mod loader or a mod itself; however, it is a development environment that reduces the amount of code copied and pasted by having divisions in your code for different platforms. There are five environments you need to worry about:Forge: For code specific to Minecraft Forge, based on ForgeGradleFabric: For code specific to FabricMC, Based on Fabric LoomQuilt: For code specific to QuiltMC, Based on QuiltLoomCommon: For code that works on all 3 (This is where most of your code should     be), Based on VanillaGradle by SpongePoweredMain     (The main Gradle which runs all the others)The reason there are version-specific folders is that some of the code is specific on different platforms, such as:Calls to the LoaderRegistries (MC Forge has their own and can’t use vanilla ones)SpongeMixinsReflection or working with Obfuscated or intermediary namesAnything else which may use specific API referencesMultiLoader is commonly used by many mods and libraries, which makes it attractive to developers who want to make their mods work across platforms. Most developers will support its usage, though there are exceptions when the code based between APIs is much different. The template is officially supported on 1.17 and newer but can likely be down ported with some work. Fabric API and Quilt Standard Libraries should be automatically downloaded.GeckoLib officially has a page explaining how to use  with  GeckoLib.The template is officially developed by Jaredlll08 and DarkhaxDev (and others like Wixtin), who have since ported most of their mods. These mods include Bookshelf, AttributeFix, Controlling, Enchantment descriptions, Ingredient Extension API, Game Stages, Item Stages, Dark Utilities, Faux Custom Entity Data, Recipe Stages, Tip the Scales, ContentTweaker, CraftTweaker, ModTweaker, so much more. If you are extending any mod by Jared or DarkHax, you should use this template as they officially support it.Most of Yung’s mods are built on Multiloader, which uses Yung’s API. If you use Yung’s API, you probably should use MultiLoader Template.The template is also commonly used by lesser-known mods such as Vein Mining, Passive Chunk Pregenerator, Open Parties and Claims, Apple Crates, and others. It can also be good if you have a bunch of forge or fabric code and want to experiment and try to move to the other.There is a chance this may work with Architectury API; however, they have their templates called Architectury Templates, which has since added a Multiloader style config and which gives you more config though you are more likely to get official support from ModLoader authors with Multiloader which wraps the official build kits. You can also use FeatureCreep if you want to target multiple Platforms.There are some drawbacks, though, such as there can also be excess extra files and code from trying to split them rather than having them together, additionally, some things keep getting different in newer versions and can no longer be shared in the common folder. Prominent examples of this happened in 1.19.3 and 1.18.2, which saw massive changes, some of which required loader or API-specific requests. Organising it can be a nightmare compared to different projects, especially for more extensive mods. Though one advantage it has is if you share your code on git with the Gradle, you do not need as many branches, but it may be harder for people to read the code. Additionally, many common mods are just the Forge versions. There are many samples of how to organise your code and use the different templates like the Kotlin one, https://github.com/jaredlll08/MultiLoader-Template/blob/1.18.2/examples/MultiLoader-Template/build.gradle . MultiLoader may be a better option if you like to develop in Kotlin but do not want to deal with the issues with switching to Kotlin in the official ones and want Kotlin to Work out of the box. Please note that to run the Kotlin Versions of the mods, the template uses Kotlin for Forge and Fabric Language Kotlin, which the users will need to install.Additionally, Jaredlll08 has voiced his not liking of Yarn Mappings and only officially supports MojMaps while Architectury Templates works with Yarn.We have mentioned Quilt Compatibility here, and while it did exist in the 1.18 era as a beta, it was not ported to the newer versions officially; unofficial ports exist and are still maintained, however despite Jared and DarkHax’s optimism, they have yet to preserve the Quilt MultiLoader Template to 1.19.x or officially support their mods with Quilt; however, you should still be able to run your Fabric Mods with it if you do not do too complex of stuff. QuiltMC officially supports most Fabric Mods and plans to do this for the foreseeable future. As a development platform, QuiltMC is not yet developed to the point of good support and has been suffering from a poor adoption rate and is possibly in decline. Many authors are not checking their mods with Quilt compatibility, Only the 1.18 branch has official quilt support, and it is recommended you update the information with LambdAurora’s Quilt Import Utility . Though the changes to add Quilt can easily be applied to other versions. In general, though, we recommend sticking to traditional Fabric if you are going to be using MultiLoader as you want as much shared code as possible, and Quilt-exclusive features would need to be redone in the fabric versions anyhow. The suggested way to update MultiLoader for Quilt is to download the 1.18 Quilt Version and edit it for 1.19.x. You can do this for older non-Quilt versions also if you want to use Multiloader on 1.14-1.16.5.We recommend using PortingLib with MultiLoader because PortingLib has ports of many Forge Specific features to Fabric/Quilt (and is a developer for both), meaning if you want to use any Forge specific Features, you can easily do it in the Fabric section of Multiloader.Many unofficial forks of MultiLoader Template aim to fix some of the issues and add changes to themselves. With some Gradle knowledge, you should have the ability to change some stuff.Some mods that use MultiLoader:AttributeFixBookshelfColoured TooltipsDark PaintingsDark UtilitiesEnchantment DescriptionsNo AI Spawn EggsOpen LoaderPigPenRunelicTool StatsControllingCraftTweakerInitialInventoryTipTheScalesBotaniaPatchouliWaystonesDefault OptionsBalmFarming For BlockheadsKleeSlabsCooking For BlockheadsTrash SlotForgiving VoidClient TweaksPretty BeachesNether Portal FixPaintings++Public GUI AnnouncementHang ManOh The Biomes You'll goAlone And TogetherMore Infohttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTM5atBu__ZtyxN28HpaP07hgtW_7CVI3XUu_aLyVWSK09o1t1IalkRiua7NEXHuYMT5924AmUzHTge/pubhtmlJared and DarkHax also did a lecture and FAQ called MultiLoader Madness on it at Modfest BlanketCon 2022,   other authors also lectured about using it such as WillBL and williewillus, a creator of Botania.


Quilted Fabric API (QFAPI) and Quilt Standard Libraries (QSL)

Quilted Fabric API (QFAPI) and Quilt Standard Libraries (QSL) is the combined name for Quilt Standard Libraries (QSL) and Quilted Fabric API (QFAPI).Note: For Players, we recommend the QuiltLoader QSL+QFAPI because it is backwards compatible with most traditional Fabric Mods plus a few extra, but for Developers, we suggest sticking to Fabric API and Fabric Loader unless you need Quilt Specific Features, though do note that both, especially Quilt are very democratic so you can submit to both of them your ideas. You can also use FeatureCreep if you want to target multiple Platforms.Quilt Standard Libraries (QSL) are a set of libraries designed for making QuiltMC mods. It is a little like Fabric API but for QuiltMC, which adds a lot of new stuff not found in Fabric API, including:Auto Test Server ArgumentsEvent Entry pointsCrash Context APIAbility to exclude entries from registry syncingA helper for additional eventsResource Loader EventsResource Pack Grouping APIMany additions to the Block API, mainly including registries and entitiesRecipe API and AttachmentsBetter client fallback and tags with vanilla integrationMultipart EntitiesEntity selector OptionsSurface RulesModded DFUThere are also some things which are not in the Quilt Standard Libraries that are in the Fabric API; these can be found in the Quilted Fabric API and include some of the following:Rendering Libraries (Some are WIP)    Game RulesMessage APIScreen HandlingData generation (Some are WIP)Resource ConditionsLoot APIConvention TagsTileables for BlocksSome eventsGametest  APIQuilted Fabric API is a port of the Fabric API Built on top of Quilt Standard Libraries; this is part of what allows Quilt to run Fabric Mods and contains lots of the stuff missing from the Quilt Standard Libraries.It is important to note that Quilt Standard Libraries and Quilted Fabric API are separate yet packaged the same in some cases. You can download Quilt Standard Libraries independently on the Quilt Standard Libraries GitHub Page  without QFAPI. The separation of the two led to lots of miscommunication at the beginning of Quilt. Luckily to fix this, the version of QSL on Modrinth (and Later CurseForge and now MinecraftStorage) came with QFAPI by default. Though there are some instances where you may not want QFAPI, an example would be if you wished to bloat less or just needed to test something with only QSL or only needed the QSL entry point and were doing non api modding. Another reason one may not want QFAPI is if you were running some extraction layer like Felt’s Quilt to Fabric and were using a traditional Fabric API (which is not compatible with QFAPI) (though if you are using felt, you would likely want to use their port and FeltMC, in general, should be avoided because of their attitude but can help run on CurseForge packs or when quilt-loader does not support a mod that does work on Fabric).Quilt Standard Libraries require QuiltLoader, which is a standalone mod loader. Though it can also be launched through MC Forge with Quilt Jumpstart or through Fabric with FeltMC’s Quilt to Fabric (Though we would avoid this one), these two options are primarily unofficial and may not work as well as the standalone but have still been used in many events.QSL is more critical for Quilt than Fabric API is for Fabric (still crucial for some stuff) because QuiltLoader has more limited entry points and is supposed to load pre-existing fabric mods or SpongeMixins mainly.To develop mods for Quilt, one can download QuiltLoom (Based on Fabric Loom)(It can also use Yarn mappings but use Quilt ones by default) or update their existing Architectury Templates or Multiloader projects to have Quilt support. Most Fabric mods should work on Quilt, so unless there is a specifically mentioned feature you need, it is likely best you continue using Fabric or use a different API (like Rewoven or a potential future QSL port to Fabric).QuiltMC has seen slow and limited adoption outside Modrinth, which they generally rely on for the mods. Quilt initially had great support in its long development process. Still, some people who were interested in the community did not port or even test and mark compatibility on their existing fabric mods, and even though it has been on CurseForge for a while is still not officially supported by the CurseForge Launcher (though by others) and has not seen too many exclusive mods (and most of the mods in general marked as Quilt are just Fabric mods marked as Quilt) and to an extent has been on the decline. We eventually think SpruceLoader, if they make any progress, will ultimately supersede Quilt as it plans to run Quilt Mods. The Fabric atmosphere, in general, is much more splintered than most other loaders. Despite all this, Quilt still has a big community behind it and is quite popular.Some trendy mods have moved to Quilt, such as: Ok Zoomer (This was a controversial case because of the blocking of Fabric).


Yung’s Bridges

Yung’s Bridges is a Mod for MinecraftForge and FabricMC, which adds a collection of over 15 different types of bridges which naturally spawn around your world. It claims to be the 1st mod which has naturally spawning bridges. It is developed by YUNGNICKYUNG, who is well known for his other structure mods. This mod required Yung’s API, so if you install this mod, it is suggested you install some of YUNG’s Other Mods because many of those also require YUNG’s API, and Yung’s Bridges has integration (or priority compatibility) with some of his other mods, along with some other mods.Some of the mods Yung’s Bridges has intended compatibility with are: YUNG’s     Better MineshaftsYUNG’s     Better StrongholdsYUNG’s     Better DungeonsYUNG’s ExtrasOh the Biomes You'll GoBiomes O' PlentySome of the mods Yung’s Bridges has integrations with are:Terraforged: Terraforged makes the rivers smaller and gives them steeper banks. It is suggested you have higher Spawn Rates with this mod.Terralith: This mod makes the rivers have steeper banks, so you should also increase the spawn rates.Upstream: This has the opposite issue where the bridges are too large for most bridges. It would help if you increased spawn rates, especially for larger bridges. Bridges are still rare with rivers from Upstream, but if you do have this, you will be most lucky when there are islands in the middle of the river. The bridges vary a lot in size and complexity. Some are just basic log bridges that can cross small to medium-sized rivers, while others are more complex. Yung’s Bridges can be considered a Vanilla plus mod as it is not overkill in the features and bloat, but it is also not super empty. Many of the bridges are a community built. The mod adds no new blocks or items, only structures. Unlike many more extensive structure mods, this one is pretty small and does not take as big of a toll on performance as structure mods commonly do.  Like some other mods by Yung, Yung's Bridges use special processors to make the bridges work on all kinds of rivers with custom generation for different rivers. In the video, the author shows the code and goes through the process of fixing the bugs, and Yung has one of the best communities around his mods.The bridges are often simple and made of vanilla materials (most commonly different variants of stone, wood, or a mix of the 2). Some of the mods have roofs over them. Some even have lanterns hanging from them; others have touched on them staircases, moss, and other decorations. Yung’s Bridges are different from Macaw’s Bridges. Macaw’s Bridges is mostly a mod that provides you with materials (such as Rope bridges, support pillars, stairs, and other stuff) for building custom bridges, while Yung’s Bridges is mostly for pre-generated worlds along rivers. Macaw’s bridges may help build air bridges (something Yung aimed to avoid in his mod), bridges over rugged terrain, or other instances where bridges or rope may be helpful. Both mods add different degrees of Utility and Decoration. However, Macaw’s Bridges are more for utility, while Yung’s bridges are more for decoration. You can use both mods together if you want both.


Yung’s API

Yung’s API is a world-generation API commonly used by Yung’s mods and a variety of other mods. It has collections of shared methods and data abstractions for data-related stuff including JSON.For players, just install this like any other mod. For developers, you can include the files in your developer environment. The mod by itself does very little but is used for other mods.This was originally designed for Yung’s mods, but Yung encourages use for other mod developers. Some of the features held by Yung API are:       A new Jigsaw Manager that has a custom pool of element types with various settings that perform better (Can see in Yung’s Better  Dungeons Source code)      Automatic Registration on 1.18 via an annotation (@AutoRegister and a bunch of children annotations/interfaces or classes) that lets you register with just a field so long as you include the value() method.     Features for locating structures    Codec Helper making new Codecs more easily   JSON Parsers templates as Java Interfaces which can be used for making things like Java Beans   Various Java Services   Maths utilities focusing on Vectors and Columns positions   Noise Library   Block and Item randomisers called BlockStateRandomizer and ItemRandomizer make it easy to have different variations of blocks or items in a structures   Newer  versions in some cases (at least in Fabric), also come with Javassist for Manipulation and Reflection Utils and a bunch of other stuff   MoreIf you need support, you can always join Yung’s Discord Server . It is compatible with both Minecraft Forge and FabricMC/QuiltMC and uses the MultiLoader Template to target all 3, as does most of Yung’s other mods (Yung is likely one of the biggest users of the MultiLoader Template) meaning that is likely the recommended way to use it, though you can likely use it in almost any environment.The Official Yung Mods that use this are:      YUNG's     Better Caves v1.1 and on 1.16.4 and newer   YUNG's  Better Mineshafts v2.0 and on 1.16.4 and newer    YUNG's     Better Portals []    YUNG's     Better Strongholds     YUNG's     Better Dungeons      YUNG's     Better Desert Temples   YUNG's     Better Ocean Monuments       YUNG's     Better Witch Huts     YUNG's     Bridges   YUNG's     Extras   Traveler's     Titles []   Paxi     [](Despite not having anything to do with world generation)Some non-Yung mods use this such as add-ons for Yung Mods.


YUNG's Extras

 YUNG's Extras is a structure mod made by YungNickYoung, one of the best modders for structure mods. This mod works well with lots of Yung’s other mods and Terralith. This mod is more of a bunch of ones that do not fit as well into Yung’s other mods.There are lots of pillars and ruins and lots of Easter eggs. A large amount of the structures are from the desert, as this was originally supposed to be a desert decorations mod. There are also wells, Obelisks, Flame Outposts, and more Desert Structures Update Mod.These structures are hard to find with the /locate command or Explorer;s Compass, so you will need to find them manually. Most of the structures are in the Desert or Swamp.The desert is often considered neglected and this mod adds a few needed changed to it while not being over the top and significantly changing the vanilla feel. Swamps are not really good for structures due to its nature of being full of trees and vines, but this mod’s structures blend in very well with the swamp biome.Yung’s Extras is also a Vanilla+ mod which adds a few tweaks. Most of the structures are simple wells or city ruins or very simple towers. Many of the towers are quite simple and this is not an over the top structure mod. It best be used with other worldgen mods, it tries to be compatible with many others. It uses all vanilla blocks and does not add very much by itself.It uses Yungs API, which by itself is quite large. If you do use this and are not meant to be a minimalist pack, you should add Yung’s other mods due to the shared code. Many of Yung’s other structure mods are much more advanced and have much greater structures. Unlike most structure mods, this one does not do serious harm to performance. Structure (and other worldgen mods) are often some of the worst for performance, making this one better than most others especially if you do not need too many, though the structures often have little use and are mostly for decorations.


Shutup Experimental Settings!

Shutup Experimental Settings! is a mod that removes a screen in Minecraft that warns you about using experimental settings.In Minecraft, starting around the 1.16 era, the Experimental Settings screen was introduced into Minecraft. The experimental settings screen mostly came up if you had a world with custom world gen, custom dimensions, or other unsupported settings. There is also a warning symbol next to the worlds with these experimental settings.This screen normally does not do anything, and if you press the button saying you know what you are doing, you won't likely see the screen until you apply new experimental settings. The initial screen, though, is just seen as an annoyance for some people. In some laggy modpacks it becomes very unpleasant, if not impossible, to click that, especially in a server setting.Shutup Experimental Settings! removes this screen. When creating a world with unsupported settings, Minecraft will skip this screen. This does not mean that this mod may fix the issues that come with experimental settings. Broken world generation, broken biomes, and most notably, broken datapacks (which still can prevent the world from loading even with the smallest errors) still exist and will not be fixed with this mod and still need to be fixed by the mod/datapack author. This mod does the same thing as pressing the proceed button. The dragons they talk about in the warning messages may still be there, and like other modded content, you will not get support from Mojang.The mod is very lightweight, with an empty entrypoint and a simple SpongeMixin specifying the lifecycle as stable.There are a lot of similar mods which do the same or similar things. One of the most notable ones is Disable Custom Worlds Advice for Fabric and Quilt, which is what Shutup Experimental Settings! is based on (and which supports Shutup Experimental Settings! And is listed as a co-author of it) and is for Fabric but does not require Fabric API, making it suitable for cases which you do not want Fabric API.Shutup Experimental Settings! is a good option for modpacks since it is very easy to put in. It's an excellent option for people who just do not like the experimental screen or just want to make worlds a lot or make worlds and walk away while the world is made, or for people playing a laggy configuration and pressing the button is a pain.


Ranged Pumps

Ranged Pumps is a pump mod that pumps liquid in a small user-specified range. There is one block, and it's in its own creative tab. The block is just called "Pump".You can place the pump in the middle of a lake (stacked on top of blocks) and right-click to activate it and over time, click right-click to view the status. It requires 32000 Forge Energy (100 per block). If you do not have the 32000 Forge Energy, it will tell you you have insufficient energy and won't work unless you have the energy disabled in the config. If you have Mekanism Immersive engineering installed, you can use it to create Forge Energy to operate the pump.The pump requires you do NOT have a Redstone signal. If you have a Redstone signal, this will stop working.The liquids collected will be in the form of buckets. The size of the tank by default is 32 buckets, but this amount can be changed in the config as well. If the tank is full, it will stop. When a liquid is pumped, by default, it is replaced with stone unless turned off in the config. If one pump is full, it will auto-push to nearby tanks. The pump goes from top to bottom. The default range is 64x64 blocks (though this can be changed in the config) and goes from the Y location of the pump all the way to bedrock.Pumps are not affected by chunk loading since they are not chunk loaded.


Flux Networks

Flux Networks is a mod which allows you to build Wireless Energy Networks. These help you move energy across the world and across dimensions. It is wireless, so you do not need cables, and it will, in most cases, perform better than a cable-based system.You can seamlessly transfer different formats of energy. Forge Energy, AE2, IE, and EU Energy formats are officially supported, and there are no transfer rates.Optimisation, Organisation, and customisation are at the forefront of Flux Networks. You can set priorities for your network, give names and colours for the networks and name specific connections inside the node. You can remotely monitor your spikes and drops in energy generation and remotely adjust the settings for all connections to the current network. You can also set the chunk-loading capabilities of each connection.Security is taken very seriously with Flux Networks. You can:Encrypt     your network with a password   Decide     which players are allowed to use or access their network    If     you are a super admin, you can also delete inactive networks and     switch ownerships of networks.The security features are mostly used for multiplayer instances.Multiplayer was recently improved in version 4,0,7 with the help of BloCamLimb, and SonarCore is no longer required, though there are still missing features in newer versions. On 1.12.2 and earlier, there is a similar mod by the same author (sonar_sonic), which has many of the same features and more as Flux Networks called Calculator that does still require Sonar Core. Flux Networks itself is available on 1.9.4-1.12.2 (and 1.15.2 and newer, which is not supported by Calculators), but does not have everything in the calculators mod and does not go as far back as the Calculators mod.Flux Networks generally works better with other tech mods. By itself, Flux Networks does not do much and has little purpose (due to not much in MC requiring energy or having energy protocols). Immersive Engineering (and most add-ons), Industrial Craft 2 (and most add-ons), and Applied Energetics (and most add-ons) will work right out of the box.The mod has a few blocks and items used to make the network. The Flux Block is just an average block in the Flux Network. Flux Plug receives energy from adjacent blocks, adding energy to the network. Flux point is like Flux Plug but removes energy from the network. Flux Controller, which enables wireless charging, and storage blocks. The Basic Storage Block holds 2000000 Forge Energy, and the Herculean one can hold up to 16000000.Right-clicking on any of the blocks outside of the Flux Block will open up network settings for the said block. It will let you decide which network you want to join. If you are not in a network, you can easily create one. You will need to be in a network to do much with the blocks (outside of setting the options for the individual block), but creating and setting up a network is generally very easy to do with the config. Once you have a network, you will be able to see the following:    Stats     in a graph    Tick     speeds    Energy    The     amount of each type of block in the network.    All     the devices in the network.The network system works very well with other network-based mods like AE2, Storage Drawers, and Redefined Storage, especially if you need to move large amounts of energy around.


Stack to Nearby Chests

Stack to Nearby Chests is a client-side mod that adds new capabilities and keybinds to help you sort your chests and quickly switch between inventories. Quick stacking and restocking are some of the most prominent features. The mod is highly influenced by the sorting capabilities in the game Terraria ‘s sorting capabilities. Other mods do similar things; some of the capabilities are common in many cheat clients. Some code for iterating with nearby containers/chests is based on EarthComputer’s clientcommands mod. Containers can refer to chests, trapped chests, barrels, shulker boxes, ender chests, and other stuff, the features of this mod work on many different types of containers, not just chests. When you 1st open a chest in the mod, the 1st thing you may see is on the right; there are two arrows, one pointing up and one pointing down. The One pointing up, called Quick Stack, auto stacks items from your inventory to the chest. There must be at least one incomplete stack of the item in the chest for an item to be moved there. Restock (the down arrow) does the same thing but the opposite, filling up the stacks of your inventory from the contents of the chest. Both of these can also be performed with hotkeys. It is also possible to exclude items in the mod options; by default, shulker boxes are excluded. One of the crowning features of this mod over other chest tweak mods is that this OneOne can do it within multiple chests/containers in an area. Stack to nearby containers does Quick Stacks to all the chests within the player’s reach. Restock from nearby chests is similar, but instead of doing Quick Stack, it does restock to the nearby chests. These actions can be done with buttons, but you can also set hotkeys to do it in the mod options. You can also favourite items.Favouriting items can cause them to behave a bit differently (configurable). Favourited items cannot be Quick Stacked into a chest. They will stay in your inventory when performing a Quick stack (making this suitable for excluding particular individual items/stacks while doing a quick stack). You can also configure it to disable Q key throwing, quick moving and quick swapping. Favourites only work in survival mode, and switching to creative mode will wipe out all your favourites, so be careful. Moving an item out of your inventory can also unfavorite it. By default favourite items are marked with a gold badge, but this can be changed in the mod options. Most of the mod is configured with the Mod Options. To access the mod options, use the keyboard shortcut (Left-Ctrl S C). There are three tabs in the mod options, each with different things. In the behaviour tab, you can set things like SearchNot quick stacking items that are in your Hotbar (the bottom part of the inventory that you see on screen while playing)Disabling the picking up of Favourite items (can be suitable for anti-stealing)Disabling Quick Moving of Favourite items Disabling the Swapping of FavouritesDisabling the Throwing of Favourites The Keymap tab is used to set the keyboard shortcuts. By default, only the key for adding Favourite Items and the Key for Opening the mod options screen are set by default, they can be changed. Still, the rest need to be set manually, such as the keys for quick stacking/restocking and stacking/restocking nearby chests. The appearance tab can: Set the default Favourite indicatorSet what buttons you want to show (e.g., the Restock, Quick Stack, and doing these actions for nearby chests)Set the X position of the stack to nearby containers GUI button. This is a client-side-only mod, it does not need to be installed on the server to work, and it is probably suggested that you do not install it on the server. This mod is currently fabric only and requires Fabric API, but the author has said that once bugs are fixed, there could be a Forge version.


Storage Drawers

Storage Drawers is a mod which adds specialised storage drawers into the game. The ideas of Jabba and Bibliocraft influence it. They are compact and serve a particular æsthetic function separate from these mods, more complementary than competitive. Instead of a traditional inventory system, you use a click-based interaction system similar to Jabba. Different click combos do various tasks. Right-clicking: Puts a full stack of the item in your hand into the drawer (if it can’t fill the full stack, it will put as much as it can) Double Right Clicking: Puts all compatible stacks from an inventory to a drawer until it fills or you run out of items. Left Click: Removes a single item from the selected drawer. Shift Left Click: Removes a full stack from the selected drawer Shift Right Click with an empty hand: Opens the selected drawer’s UI to see the items, their quantities, and the ability to upgrade the drawer. Note for players of the Jabba mod: The shift-click functionality is reversed from Jabba due to Jabba being more optimised for stacks while Storage Drawers is more optimised for single items; however, the controls can be customised in the config. You can use multiple different vanilla wood variants (add-ons can add custom variants which many mods do), and there are numerous different sizes, with the biggest supporting 32 stacks. The upgrade path is not sequential; you can jump levels to your preferred size. You can also lock your drawers with keys to protect your stacks. There are indicators on the storage drawers to indicate how full they are, and they light up when it is full. There is another type of drawer, which is grey, called Storage Drawers. These let you automatically convert things like ingots and similar items into storage block formats or other items based on repeated items used to make another item, which is common in many tech configurations. You can also combine drawer inventories via a Drawer Controller and connect drawers via pipes or trims (a wood decorative panel block used to connect), which allows you to interact with large groups of drawers. Controllers can also be used as deposit-only blocks for items that already exist in the network and will be done if you double right-click. The drawer controller is similar to that of Refined Storage’s network system. One kind of drawer is a Controller Slave, similar to a drawer but cannot be shared; however, controller slaves have better performance than traditional drawers.Storage Drawers has integration with lots of mods and also has lots of add-ons (especially 1.10.2 and newer). Storage Drawers is supposed to be a complementary storage mod, not a replacement one. Storage Drawers are supposed to be used with other mods. Storage Drawers are also typical in many tech setups for their ease of use and auto compression. Drawers complement BiblioCraft’s blocks.Drawers worth with Jabba’s Dolly Aspect labels exist for Thaumcraft for hard-to-distinguish items related to essentia Drawers are compatible with AE2s storage buses, and it is the suggested way for seeing contents WAILIA will list the inventories and counts of DrawersA MineTeaker exists to help control the ore conversion allowlist/denylist. Compact drawers list the number of items that can be made, even if they can not all exist simultaneously. The mod has an extensive config which allows you to change many of the values and even whether or not a block should be enabled. It is possible to modify this from MC Forge’s config screen. You are also allowed to include this in modpacks, including public ones. Note: Chameleon is required for the 1.8-1.12 versions of the mod. 


Sooty Chimneys

Sooty Chimneys is a Chimney mod which adds chimneys with moving smoke. These have moving smoke on them that looks semi-realistic. The chimneys themselves are also pretty nice looking and have custom models, both big and small ones. There are many features that the Chimneys have.They will get soot (or dirty) after some time, and you will need to clean them with an axe. Sometimes when scraping it, you will get black dye, but this does not always happen. The soot speed is changeable in the config by doing 0-1 as a decimal. The wind also affects the smoke of the chimneys in this mod. The faster and stronger the wind, the faster the smoke will move, and the smoke will move in the direction of the wind. Rain and thunder can also make the wind stronger. The wind is generally weaker in the evening. You can disable the wind in the config by setting the Wind field to false. The chimneys start emitting smoke by default right when you place them down, but if you give the chimney a Redstone signal, it will stop emitting smoke. The current variants of the chimneys are Brick, Stone Brick, Copper, and Terracotta; each has a different appearance for different needs. If you are in creative mode, you can get both the dirty and clean versions of each chimney, which can be suitable for builders. The Forge config is generally very helpful and provides comments explaining what each function does, the different amounts and ranges, and what each amount does. The three main attributes you can change with the config are: The Chance/Speed the chimney has to get dirty (you should try to make this value low if you do not want to clean too often, the default is 0,05)The strength of the smoke defaults to the max but can be changed from 0-1 via a decimal. Whether or not wind affects the smoke, the default is true, but you can switch it to false if you do not want to smoke. The mod has Create as an optional dependency, which means you can integrate these with things from create if you have Create installed. Create+ also has integration with this mod. Sooty Chimneys may also be able to integrate with some other mods with Create integration, such as Pollution of Realms. By itself (without Create), this mod is a small cosmetic mod suitable for builders or dye farming. The mod is in construction, so more will likely be added as the mod updates. The author welcomes suggestions.


Nameless Trinkets

Nameless Trinkets is a mod that adds Trinkets (like a form of jewellery) to Minecraft; each has unique abilities. Trinkets can be found all around your world; they can also be crafted and equipped in a special equipment slot provided by Curios to be used. Most use the Trinkets slot, but others may use other slots, such as the charms slot. Different ones have different abilities. They seem to have very good or infinite durability.The trinkets have their tab in Creative mode. You can see most of the trinkets there. If you hover over one of the trinkets in your inventory, you can press shift while hovering over it to get a description of what the individual trinket does. Here is a list of some of the best trinkets in the mod.The Missing     Page has a 25% chance of dealing up to 20% damage to mobs within 25     blocks. Reverse Card reflects damage to mobs which hurt you; it is a     bit like a Reverse Uno card.Experience     Battery makes levelling up give you more XP.Experience     Magnet attracts experience to you.Ghast Eye gives     you regeneration whenever you kill a mob.Broken Anhk is     similar to a Totem of dying, but you can use it more than once     within 30 minutes.Explosion-proof     jacket gives you TNT when hit by an explosion and reduces the     explosion's damage by 30%.True Heart of     the Sea makes it so you can breathe water, but not air, swim 300% as     fast and let you mine 300% as fast as usual.Reforger     repairs items over time. Wooden Stick acts as a shield with a     300-second cooldown.Sleeping Pills     are fan suggested by JayOnline_ and make it easier to see in the     dark and protect you from phantoms, but you cannot sleep in beds.Mysterious does  random trinkets. Electric Paddle makes boats go twice as fast and     gives you Deja Vu.Sigil of     Baphomet gives you 1 second of immunity from damage after killing a     mob, and it can be accumulated for up to 10 seconds. Fertiliser     makes plants around you grow.Moonstone     reduces gravity and makes your jumps take longer to come down.Ice Cube slows     down your enemies and makes the water you walk in turn into ice.These are just some of the many trinkets that can be found in Nameless Trinkets, and there are many more for you to find and use with different abilities. Some of them come with drawbacks, so they should be used strategically. They are easy to swap out with another that you own, so holding more than one can be helpful in some instances. Many do percent-based effects, which can help you deal with bosses from mods with huge bosses with massive amounts of HP. The mod requires Curios for the custom trinket slot, but some of the trinkets require ExpandAbility, and it is strongly suggested you also install this mod.


Conquest Reforged

Conquest Reforged is a recreation of an old texture pack called Conquest packaged as a mod. The original resource pack was designed for players who wanted to improve their Minecraft creative experience beyond the limitations of the base game. Upon loading the game, the game will tell you to install the Conquest Reforged resource pack (which is different from the Original Conquest Resource Pack). The required resource pack can be found here https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/texture-packs/conquest-reforged-resource-pack/. The textures are 32x and try to be realistic, and are compatible with Optifine. There are thousands of blocks and hundreds of textures, including lighting, particles, and animations. There are textures from many different historical and fictional timelines. Many of the blocks are custom 3D models. There is also a built-in GUI for customising and selecting blocks with a tab system. To get full advantage of the textures, you need to install the resource pack. Without the resource pack, many of the textures are blank, including some vanilla ones (in some versions, some vanilla textures are missing even with the resource pack, most notably the tall grass in 1.16.5). They have an online community of builders. Conquest Reforged is one of the best building mods because of its sheer size. Some themes represented include Roman, Arabic, Middle Ages, Industrial Revolution, ArdaCraft's Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Dwarven, Elven, and many others. You can make structures which look realistic if you make them big enough. Conquest Reforged has many materials for building highly detailed castles and many intractable Mosaics. There are also realistic-looking trees right out of the box, enhanced foliage, and the ability to add custom leaves and branches and customise just about every aspect of blocks for the ultimate building mod.The mod has deep integration with Optifine integration, and it is recommended you use Optifine because it looks much better with Optifine. You can also use your preferred shaders of choice in most cases, but they won't be needed as many of the models look beautiful, and you won't need them. The resource pack needs Optifine to work correctly according to the pack.mcmeta description. The creative UI has been completely redone to allow for the customisation and the inclusion of thousands of blocks. It includes better grouping based on things like material and type and uses a wheel-based system to help you navigate. The traditional creative tabs still exist, but the default ones have changed, and the mod by itself has four pages of tabs.There are a few issues that come with the massiveness of this mod. First of all, the file size of this mod is over 100MB on some versions, and second of all, you will need to increase your RAM allocation to be able to even play the mod. Playing at only 3GB will not work, and the game will stall while loading up until it eventually crashes. We suggest a lot of RAM if you include this in a larger mod pack. Even by itself, this mod takes a long time to load, especially at the texture pack loading phase, which is often the longest. But if you allocate a lot of memory, the mod will eventually load up. However, it will take a while, especially on versions 1.16.5 and earlier, if you do not have a high-clock CPU. The resource pack is enormous (about as big as the mod itself), so we suggest keeping it off when not using the mod. When you enter the game, you are introduced to the dialogue about the resource pack (if you do not have it) and then an introduction to the keybinds. The V key only works in creative mode and shows the texture shape variant. You can do this in the traditional creative tab menu and see a circular representation of all the blocks combined with a zoom on mouse-one. Ctrl+Middle Mouse Button gives the shape of the item you are looking at to your hot bar; this also works on creative only.Note: Worlds made in 1.9.4 are incompadible with worlds in 1.10.2 and newer.


Chocolate Quest Repoured

Chocolate Quest Repoured (CQR) is a recreated version of the Chocolate Quest Mod (Commonly known as the Better Dungeons Mod). Chocolate Quest was a popular mod going back to the Beta days of Minecraft until it had rough development and a largely considered incomplete rewrite in 1.7.x, largely skipped 1.8.x, cancelled 1.9.x, and has not seen a version since. Chocolate Quest added many fantastic dungeons and bosses with some of the most unique abilities in all of Minecraft modding. Chocolate Quest Repoured builds on many of these ideas and updates them.Chocolate Quest Repoured has elements of the 1.6.4 and 1.7.x versions of Chocolate Quest, plus unique additions and improvements. Many of the textures are highly inspired but different, but much closer to the original than many other legacy mod recreations. Many of the best parts, such as the Structure Auto generators, Super Tool (Creative Only), and customisable mobs, are still there and sometimes have been updated.One of the best parts of Chocolate Quest was the ability to right-click a humanoid or similar-shaped mob and add custom gear in creative mode; CQR improved this. Now, if you right-click a mob from CQR in creative mode, it shows a dialogue with all the slots you can add gear to, this could take more time if you just wanted to add 1 item, but it is generally much easier to use and more descriptive. You can give the mobs whatever gear you wish, potions, shields, and other stuff, which is excellent for mob battles.One thing that is not good is the amount of mobs is inflated by having variants with different sets of gear. There are leather versions of mobs and diamond versions; this is unneeded because of the ability to swap the gear in creative mode easily, but it is somewhat reminiscent of what spawns in (in dungeons, it is not uncommon to see these different variants spawn). The creative tabs are also different from the original; instead of 2 tabs, it's divided into many more tabs, each serving different purposes.Many of the mobs, though, are unique from each other. They have special abilities like how the pirate captain can turn invisible, but his weapon often does not, and how many have staffs and the ability to summon minions.CQR, like the original CQ/Better Dungeons, is one of the best dungeon mods ever. They have deep, complex buildings with many layers to explore, lots of loot to collect, mobs and bosses to fight, libraries, wool, paintings, and many other decorations. You could spend hours looking through them.The recreation has flaws; however, in some cases, the different textures may throw you off or not be as good for someone used to the older textures. They do a better job of recreating them than most recreation projects. However, it still may throw a few people off, especially considering many of the icons are entirely different, such as the spawn items are often different, as are the structure generators (which are 3D visualisations rather than 2D ones like the original). The recreation is also missing a lot from the original mod, such as many of the mobs and structures in the original are not in the squeal, such as the Ice Bull from the 1.6.4 version.Despite all the missing content, it is still one of the best mods in Minecraft past 1.7.10. It is primarily focussing on 1.12.2 and won't port to other versions until the 1.12.2 version is feature complete. It will take a while to complete; they plan to have single versions for newer versions of Minecraft, like 1.16.5, but they will only be supported short-term, and it will be a while until the mod moves past 1.12.2 and completes itself. CQR is one of the most extensive mods still developing for 1.12.2 (which continues to be a sizeable modding version).Chocolatin, the original creator of Chocolate Quest, does not appear to be related to this recreation.The mod requires GeckoLib and Reach Fix, and the author will make fun of you if you try to get support without these two mods installed. Der Toaster, the creator of CQR, is also a significant contributor to GeckoLib, and CQR is one of the mods advertised by GeckoLib.


Pollution of the Realms

Pollution of the Realms adds different type of pollution and emissions to Minecraft. You get blocks of emissions by composting different objects to create emissions which can both harm and help you with different ways. You will need to decide how you will mitigate the threats of pollution and environmentalism. This mod goes a lot deeper than lots of other mods.There are many different visible consequences you can see in your world as time goes on. Some of these include carbon, sulfur, and dust blocks, though they can disappear over time, even after right adding them, but some can stay for longer, and they are also kind of hard to see but can be darker if the effect is stronger. There are also other things such as, pollution clouds, soil pollution from oil, acid rain, dust clouds near machines, smog (which can caused reduced visibility), different ways to harm both humans/players but also plants in some cases, and explosive gas pockets (which can cause underground explosions in confined spaces). The mod has integrations with a bunch of other mods, and has some add-ons, and you can also create custom pollutants.Emissions can come from a variety of sources, often ones that produce heat or light or use energy, such as:torchesfurnaceslavamachinesvehiclesplayers and animals. There are also placeable emissions blocks as mentioned earlier. If a player goes into an emission block they will suffocate and have bad potion effects with severity depending on the strength of the pollution (for carbon and sulfur).If you have a greenhouse or chimney, you may want to use filters to stop emissions from exiting, but you need a filter for each emission you want to stop. You can clean pollution with vacuums, you need both a vacuum tube and a vacuum bag and you will be able to store .a certain amount in each bag. You can also get a respirator which makes it possible to breath in polluted air. All three of these objects have 3 tiers, Iron, Gold, and Diamond, these all provide different levels of strength.  Emissions are not always a bad thing though, while they do harm humans and animals, carbon emissions can help plants grow faster. You can make greenhouses with chimneys and filters to help plants grow faster.This mod required ForgeEndertech, but it is also recommended that you use Advanced Chimneys. This also works well with a lot of other mods so we suggest you look at the full list of supported mods https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/pollution-of-the-realms/relations/dependencies . The mod is available for 1.19.x, 1.18.x, 1.16.5/1.16.4, and 1.12.x on Forge.


Fantasy's Furniture

Fantasy’s Furniture is a furniture mod that adds lots of great new furniture, each providing different use. Some of them are just for cosmetics, but others have a function, such as storage or smelting. The mod divides itself into these categories: Decorations, Necrolord, Royal, Bone, Nordic, Venthyrt, and Dunmer. You access them all in a single creative tab which has its creative tabs on the left. This is not an average furniture mod since many of the pieces of furniture have their own ways of being placed or interacted with. Such as many of the small decorations such as cupcakes can be combined with other cupcakes in the same block allowing you to have 3 cupcakes in 1 block. Others allow you to stack them. To get started you will need to get the Furniture Station. This lets you craft most things in Fantasy's Furniture, you get one by smithing it with a crafting table and a piece of leather.Once you get into the Furniture Station you will see 3 boxes in which you will need to put stuff inside. You will need to fill these 3 boxes with clay, wooden planks, and cobblestone. Doing this will give you access to a large roster of furniture to be able to craft. You just select what you want to make and then it comes up on the right and you can then pick it up. If you want to craft more than one of the same thing you can click on another item and then back on the 1st one and then craft it again. If you know what you want to make already you can use the search bar to help you find what you need. The recipe of one clay, one cobblestone, and one wooden plank is exceptionally cheap, as it should be for many of the decorative items, but many of the items have more function, and if you have a lot of clay it may make sense to craft some furniture using it over the vanilla counterparts. Once you craft something, you will be able to place it down, in this mod, holding the item in your hand will guide you to where to put it with a white-gold outline telling you where the furniture will be placed. There are many different types of furniture, you can have open books and paper for decoration, you can have paintings, wardrobes for storage, themed furnaces for smelting, light pools for lighting at night, chairs for sitting on, and other cool stuff. With the different themed furniture, it is also good for custom maps if you want things to look a particular way. It is one of the best furniture mods and its low-cost recipes make the items accessible for even a player starting out in a new world. Fantasy's Furniture is available for 1.16.5, 1.18.2, and 1.19.2 (there is no 1.17.1 version) on Minecraft Forge. They do not have a Fabric port planned. Sometimes lighting issues may come up, to fix this you need to go to the config and find a file called forge-client.toml, and change experimentalForgeLightPipelineEnabled to true. This mod also does not officially support opitfine or shaders, however, you can still in many cases use them, but you may be open to more crashes or insecurities. We had issues with Nostalgia Shaders on the 1.19.2 version.


Small Ships

Small ships mod adds a collection of ships to Minecraft. There are a few main ships: the Cog, the War Galley, the Drakkar, the Dhow, and the Rowboat. The main difference between them is in size, but they also have some feature differences among them, such as how many people each ship may hold. There are variants of boats for different types of wood, e.g Oak Cog, and Birch Cog. The wood variants however seem to act the same as each other.The boats control differently than your average vanilla boats. While vanilla boats just as you go forward and backward, Small ships require you to modify things like the sail. You press R to open and close the sale and then J to increase and K to decrease the sail which helps affect the speed. By default, the ships go very slow without using the sale, but with the sail, they can go very fast and can also go fast with more people. You may also change your 3rd Person (F5) view by using your scroll wheel. To dismount an entity from the ship, crouch(shift) and right-click the entity and if you want to dismount all the entities from the ship, you need to crouch and right-click the ship.Your Ships can have inventory, just press I to enter the inventory of your ship and store your items. You also use crouch and right-click to open the inventory from outside your ship.You can also have cannons on your ship. To add a cannon to your ship just right-click the ship with a cannon and the cannon will be mounted. To shoot the cannon you look towards the cannon and press space. You will need round shots (an item in the mod) and gunpowder in the ship’s inventory to shoot cannons. The number of cannons depends on the size of the ship you have.New versions of the Mod (2.x) is still in the alpha stage so has a lot to be added. The release (1.x) versions of the mod are still on 1.16.5, but there are newer alpha versions 1.16.5, 1.17.1, 1.18.2, and 1.19.2, for both MC Forge and Fabric.The mod is All Rights Reserved but you are allowed to put it in modpacks, but you must link back to the page and you are not allowed to make money on the modpack.


Marium's Soulslike Weaponry

Marium's Soulslike Weaponry is a Minecraft mod for FabricMC which adds many new bosses and weaponry to your game. Fabric is not known for its boss mods, this is one of the best boss and weapons mods for fabric. There are also multiple different structures around the overworld, nether, and end which house some of the bosses. Each boss has its unique abilities which help them stand out from other bosses and mobs. The Decaying King has a Sword Slam where he has a big sword and does a big swing which does a lot of damage but takes time to cool down and is not too hard to prevent. He can also shoot fireballs and explosions. This boss is found in the nether.The old Champion’s Remains is a giant Skeleton (Similar to the Mutant Skeleton from the Mutant Creatures Mod) with a Sword and shield. The shield is used for Defence and can also be used to attack, it can be used to knock back enemies very far. He also hits with his sword which has a very long range and does a lot of damage.Frenzied Shade is a similar-looking mob but is purple and has claws that attack and move very quickly. This boss also can float underground.Monarch of Chaos is a Wither Skeleton Reaper-type character who shoots skulls with lightning at the target and lashes out at things with combos. He can also shoot a large number of projectiles such as tridents and moonlight or even arrows and shulkers. It can also teleport.The Returning Knight is one of the most powerful bosses in the whole mod. He can summon a random amount of minions to fight for it. They can also charge and slam nightfall, this attack does a huge amount of damage but takes a long time to do so can pretty easily be avoided. This boss also has the ability to blind and knock you back very far. He can also move his mace and his mace creates so many vibrations that it moves surrounding mobs.Soulmass is a mob that heals itself and shoots laser beams at its enemies and protects its owner. It also exploded upon death and weakens and slows hostile mobs nearby. There are also smaller mobs such as the Withered Demon, Ghosts, and Chungus, some of them even come with gear that can be received when killed. Potion effects are also in the mod. Bloodthirsty is similar to wither, but when the user is attacked it heals them. Decay weakens your armour over time and also increases the amount of damage you take while being attacked by 20%. Posture Break significantly slows down anything that has it. Permafrost causes mobs to slowly get slower and if a mob dies with this it creates an explosion that can spread the potion effect to nearby mobs. The mod has lots of weapons and guns, some of them even have cool custom models. However, most do not do all that much more damage than vanilla gear. The bosses and structures are the most impressive part of the mod. This mod is one of the most extensive boss mods for Fabric and newer versions of Minecraft and is similar to Chocolate Quest, Twilight Forest, and OreSpawn. They do not yet have a Forge version but it is planned. GeckoLib and Fabric API are required for the mod to work and the mod also works with Better combat. The mod is also available in Chinese and Russian and there is extensive documentation on the CurseForge page.


Towers Of The Wild

Towers of the Wild is a Zelda-based Structure mod for Minecraft. The mod brings some of the towers into the game. There are many variants, often linked to biomes, such as one for ocean, jungle, desert and others. Many of them are similar but there are also different ones. They are climbable, but they are made intentionally hard to climb, though the old stacking block trick always works. You can find loot at the top of the towers. It is often a chest with a few miscellaneous items like iron and emeralds. Chest is at the very top of the tower, so may not be always worth climbing to reach unless you need some of the stuff in the chest. Some of the towers have the ladders so are far easier to climb.Towers of the Wild has integration with Waystones, so with this mod installed waystones will spawn on the top of newly generated towers which will allow you to more easily move between towers (can be turned off in the config). Towers of the Wild is also compatible with other biome and world gen mods, which means you can play it alongside others and configure it with things like biome denylists and spawn rates (some of the beaches from Vanilla and Biomes O plenty are denylisted by default and you can denylist whole mods under the array field allModBiomesBlackList ("midnight" and "the_bumblezone" are off by default)). It also works seamlessly with Structure’s Compass, so you will be able to find the structures with mods like that. The config also has a lot of other cool features such as whether to spawn ocean towers and how to set their rarity. The config can be found in ./minecraft/config/towers_of_the_wild-common.toml and is in the TOML format and has comments to help guide you. Like most other configs, if you corrupt it, you can just delete it and a new one will regenerate.


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