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XNet Gasses

XNet Gasses are a revolutionary new way to transport Mekanism chemicals, such as gases, slurries, pigments and infusions, using the XNet mod. In order to use XNet Gasses, XNet, Mekanism, and the necessary dependencies must be installed. XNet Gasses work similarly to the fluid channels in the XNet mod, offering two different modes of operation: round-robin and priority mode. Additionally, there are several adjustable parameters that allow users to change the settings of their network, such as the transfer limit, capacity limit, and a filter slot for any tank with a chemical. The ability to transfer fluids opens up many possibilities for tech, making it easier and more efficient than ever before.


Valhelsia Structures

Valhelsia Structures is a mod designed to generate new structures in publicly downloadable worlds. The mod adds abandoned buildings, dungeons, and blocks that are suitable for home decoration. Some vanilla structures are reworked or replaced by the mod and more content is added with regular updates such as structure variants, dungeons, bosses, and mobs. The mod's Discord server is also a great source of information, as it provides updates on changelogs, support and an active image gallery with screenshots from members of the community. A quick look at these screenshots reveals some of the structures available, including new blocks for home decoration. Valhelsia Structures continues to receive updates, adding new features such as multiple structure variants to avoid running into the same buildings all the time, dungeons, bosses, and mobs. With this mod, players are able to create their own structures and expand their downloadable world with additional content.


FPS Reducer

FPS Reducer is a mod created to reduce unnecessary GPU and CPU load by automatically reducing the frame rate when the client window is inactive or has been idle for a certain period of time. It serves as an energy-saving tool as it helps to extend the lifespan of a computer, reduce power consumption, and can help to keep a room cool. The mod features the ability to automatically reduce the frame rate when there is no user operation for the specified time or when the game window is inactive or minimized. Additionally, it can suppress sound volume in these cases, displays the current FPS on the edge of the screen, and displays the CPU usage of the client thread (from version 1.14 onwards). By default, the frame rate drops to 10 if there is no activity for 5 minutes. The [PAUSE] key can be used to reduce FPS manually (new feature in v1.16), and the [END] key can be used to open the configuration GUI. With such simple tools, FPS Reducer can be an invaluable asset to any Minecraft user who wants to save power and conserve energy while still enjoying the game.


Marigold Flower!

Marigolds are a beautiful flower that can make any garden or home come alive with vibrant colour and texture. Found in different biomes such as plains, snowy plains, meadows, forests, and flower forests, they can be harvested and used to craft orange dye, similar to the way an orange tulip is processed. These cheerful blooms are the perfect way to spruce up any area, showing off their bright hue and attractive shape. Planted alongside the delicate blue of the cornflower, their combined effect will be nothing short of striking. With their ability to transform any ordinary space into a place of beauty and vibrancy, marigolds are an ideal addition to any garden or home.



NeoForge or Modge is a Fork of Minecraft Forge by most of the team except LexManos. It is meant to replace Minecraft Forge and was initially intended to do many things that LexManos did not want to do with Minecraft Forge. cpw stated that they should keep compatibility with MC, but Curle said she plans to break it in the next major, then she changed it to the next minor version after hearing there would be significant changes. Many people view NeoForge as a good change; however, we will tell the truth.While many people hated LexManos because he was hard to work with, they praised Curle. However, Curle is far worse; she is involved in ban sharing, where people can do things in 1 server and get banned in another, like extraterritorial jurisdiction. Curle also has taken steps to hide proof from the defendant and make it harder for them to defend themselves. She was even one of the co-founders of the QuiltMC Community Collab, a warning network run by QuiltMC. So Curle is not a better leader than LexManos. In terms of new content for the project, a lot is currently being discussed, but it is important to note that soon it will not support traditional MC Forge mods. Many things related to SpongeMixins and more. It is essential to keep an eye out.


Iron Jetpacks

Iron Jetpacks is an incredibly exciting mod, allowing players to customize and create their own jetpacks. Providing an entirely unique experience, Iron Jetpacks was created by Forge Energy to bring a whole new layer of gameplay to Minecraft. The mod allows users to craft new jetpacks with an abundance of configuration options, giving them the chance to choose how their jetpacks appear and how they operate. Custom jetpacks are also available, made possible by simply copy and pasting one of the default jetpack JSON files and changing the name, as well as any other values in the file. It is important that any changes made to the JSON file should include all lower case characters, with underscores for spaces. All of the jetpack JSONs can be found within the config/ironjetpacks/jetpacks folder. More information on particular aspects of the mod can be found on the wiki, linked in the navigation bar. Iron Jetpacks is a must have for anyone looking to add an exciting and innovative twist to their Minecraft experience. With a variety of fully customisable options and an easy-to-follow tutorial for creating a custom jetpack, this mod is sure to make your gaming sessions more enjoyable. When you get a jetpack you need to toggle engine to use it, the key to do that can be set in controls. You can also toggle hover which means you do not fall when letting go of space/jump/fly. Information on the jetpack including fuel and toggles can be found on the left.Requires CucumberLib


PneumaticCraft: Repressurized

PneumaticCraft: Repressurized is a powerful and unique mod that adds a lot of useful content to Minecraft. It comes with an in-game documentation, thanks to Patchouli for all versions and IGW (on 1.12.2 only) for MC1.12.2. This mod has its own power system based on compressed air, and features multiple compressors such as fuel-based ones, and the lightning strike compressor. Heat is also an important mechanic in this mod. Liquid fuels are refined from oil which are added as worldgen, and it also supports fuel from other mods like Thermal Suite, EnderIO and Immersive Petroleum. The mod also provides several crafting mechanisms, all of which can be configured via CraftTweaker in 1.12.2, or datapacks, KubeJS or CraftTweaker in 1.14.4 and later. These include Explosion Crafting, Pressure Chamber Crafting, Refining, Thermopneumatic Processing, and Assembly Line. Players can also program their own drones with a graphical programming language and use them to automate tasks. This mod also offers base defence systems such as hand-held miniguns, minigun turrets and security station. Additionally, it includes a full armour suite, Universal Sensor, Vortex Cannon, Gas Lift and a variety of upgradeable item and liquid hoppers. New features in PneumaticCraft: Repressurized have been added in 1.16.1 including the Jackhammer, and renewable fuels such as Yeast Culture, Ethanol, and Biodiesel. In 1.14.4/1.15.2, many new features were added. For 1.12.2, new features include CraftTweaker support, the Aphorism Tile, Heat sink effects, Vortex Cannon improvements, Kerosene Lamp burning any burnable fuel, Forged Multipart support, Wrenching of tube sections and Camouflage Applicator tool. Mod integration and the PneumaticCraft API are also available for working with other mods. Modpack Policy covers the mod, welcome anyone to include it in their modpacks.  Whether you’re looking to craft, build a base, or automate tasks, this mod has something for everyone.



ProjectE is an ambitious Minecraft mod which provides players with a vast range of powerful alchemical tools, items, and devices. Developed as a total rewrite of Equivalent Exchange 2 (EE2) for modern Minecraft versions, the mod allows players to break down unwanted items into Energy-Matter Covalence (EMC) and use that EMC to create new items. Among the many features of ProjectE include transmutation tables, collectors, condensers, and flying rings, making it one of the most popular mods in the community. The mod is led by SinKillerJ – the main project and community lead – and pupnewfster – the current lead of new version ports.  It is also very well known for very over powered weapons and commonly integrates with other mods. It is one of the most common mods to integrate with.


Crash Utilities

Crash Utilities is a powerful tool for fixing common server issues. It comprises of a series of utilities and commands, allowing players to locate and solve problems quickly and efficiently. With the new CTRL+U feature, users can open their Crash Utilities GUI, complete with a map view of loaded chunks, a view of the number of entities/TileEntities on a map, and the ability to open other players' inventories. In addition, Crash Utilities provides users with commands such as the ability to get log files and crash reports via command, clear items if there are more than X on the ground, find specific TileEntities in the world, send players to Spawn, Crossdimensional Teleport Command, check RAM usage over time, find chunks with large amounts of entities, and read and remove items from player inventories (Curio support). Crash Utilities is constantly looking to improve, with plans to add profiling capabilities in the future. The creator of this mod is open to suggestions, even encouraging players to message him with ideas. For further help, users may also reach out to the creator on Twitter or Discord with any questions.


Pick Up Notifier [Forge & Fabric]

Pick Up Notifier is a simple yet effective mod for Minecraft players to help them keep track of their resources and items that they collect while playing. The mod displays a neat list in the bottom right corner of the player's screen whenever they collect an item, such as a resource, experience, or arrows. This list moves away after a few seconds, ensuring players don't get distracted while they are playing. Pick Up Notifier is designed to be compatible with the auto-pickup features of most backpack mods, including Forge backpacks. It also allows players to customise the list to fit their needs, such as changing the screen corner, the position, scale, and text style. Players have the option to denylist or allowlist certain items via an extensive JSON configuration file. Installation of Pick Up Notifier requires both the client and optional server components to be installed, along with PuzzlesLib for both Forge and Fabric, as well as Fabric API and Forge Config API port for Fabric. There are also options to configure the mod directly from within the game using Mod Menu by Prospector for Fabric. This useful mod was originally inspired by TeamCoFH in a very old version of their CoFH Core mod from the 1.6 era of modded Minecraft. Pick Up Notifier is the perfect mod for players looking to keep track of their collected items with ease!



Entangled allows you to bind two blocks together, making it appear as if they’re one Block. It uses a tool called the Entangled Binder to connect the blocks, and you can interact with either of them as normal. With Entangled Block, you can instantly transfer items, energy, fluids or whatever else between the blocks. You can have as many as six sides working together, or you can hide away messy cables. With Entangled Block, the possibilities are truly endless! How does it work? Setting up Entangled Block is easy. First, you need to craft an Entangled Block and an Entangled Binder. Place down your Entangled Block and right-click on the other Block you want to bind with the Entangled Binder. Finally, right-click on your Entangled Block with the binder. To unbind the blocks, select an empty slot on your hotbar, start crouching, and right-click on the Entangled Block. Entangled Block also works inter-dimensionally. You can select blocks in any dimension with the Entangled Binder, making it even more useful. What’s more, SuperMartijn642 allows you to use this mod in your modpacks, so feel free to spread the joy of Entangled Block with your friends. To learn more about Entangled Block and get updates, join the SuperMartijn642 Discord server.


Nether Depths Upgrade

Nether Depths Upgrade is a Nether Ocean content mod. It adds new content to the nether lava-rich oceans and a new enchantment and potion. You can also fish in the Nether, some based on real-life fish.Some of the new fish in the mod include:Soul Suckers - They lurk around and camouflage with Soul Sand but have blue eyesWitherbonefish - See-through fish that have wither bones that can be seenBonefish - A see-through fish with bones that can be seenSearing Cod - An orange fishGlowdine - A glowing fish that omits particlesLava pufferfish - a pufferfish in the lava that can be used to create potionsObsidianfish - black fish that has vertical finsMagma Cube Fish - A magma Cube with wingsBlazefish is a fish with blaze rods surrounding it.These are some of the unique fish added to the game.There are also new brown sponges to make it even better.The nether oceans, as is lava, are often neglected, but this mod changes that. Though you still may not be able to fully take advantage of it if you do not have a lava immunity gear mod.GeckoLib3 is needed-


Redstone Flux

Redstone Flux is an API developed by Team CoFH that allows mod developers to create and use energy-based systems in their Mods. It is a standalone Jar file that provides all the necessary functions for crafting systems powered by electricity. An important note for mod developers is that repacking either this API or the older API (cofh.api.energy) in their mods will cause crashes, so it must not be done, instead you should ask the player to install it manually. One of the advantages of using the Redstone Flux API is its performance, reliability and the template it provides for coders. In addition, if a mod developer only wants pure RF power without any of the new flux variants, then this API is ideal. To add the API to the build.gradle, mod developers will need to include the CoFH Maven repository in their repositories and then add the dependency “deobfCompile “cofh:RedstoneFlux:1.12-”.It was one of the most common Energy APIs into Minecraft, it was so common that MC Forge integrated it as Forge Energy into there official API. In newer versions of Minecraft on MC Forge you no longer need RedStone Flux and should instead use Forge Energy.Redstone Flux was used by many mods such asCoFH CoreAUNISArkif's Hoverboard ModApplied IntegrationsBrandon's CoreCultivated TechDefierDimensional Pockets IIDraconic EvolutionExchangersImmersive TechnologyMekanism 1.12.2 Community Editionp455w0rd's LibraryPearcel ModProject IntelligenceQuantumFluxAnd Many More


Blood Magic

Blood Magic is an arcane art that has been gaining notoriety recently in the gaming world, especially in the world of Minecraft. It is a powerful and dangerous art that grants its practitioners an immense amount of power and influence - if they can survive the process! The act of using Blood Magic requires obtaining and utilizing a forbidden material - blood. Crafting with this volatile magic can be deadly, so it's important to be aware of the risks involved. Fortunately, with the handy help of mods such as JustEnoughItems, it is possible to find your way through the various recipes required to begin your magical journey. For a more comprehensive guide, the MinecraftGuides website provides a 100+ page web-based document to get you started. In-game documentation is available from Guide API in the form of an in-game book that has been called "Sanguine Scientiem". This comprehensive guide will aid you in every step of the magical ordeal. Alternatively, for version 1.16.3 and above, Patchouli takes over the job of providing in-game documentation.  You can do many things such asCrafting AltarsMagicThrowing ExplosivesThrowing DeforestingSoul Trumpets SnaresAnd MoreGetting started has changed over the years as the mod is commonly changing, in many older versions like 1.7.10 you would start by making a Blood Altar to get Demonic Will, now you generally craft Soul Snares and throw them at enemies to get will.Blood Magic is one of the best Magic and tech mods with dozens of different alterns with over a hundred pages of documentation with pictures describing many things you can do.The mod itself has had a major facelift, thanks to the Unity team who provided the new textures for a better, more modern experience.  Happy casting!



Baubles is a popular Minecraft mod that adds various new accessory items to the game. These items, known as baubles, can be worn in the player's inventory or equipped in unique slots added by the mod. Baubles can provide many benefits, from increased health and mana to improved movement speed and defense.One of the standout features of Baubles is its compatibility with other mods. The mod includes an API allowing other mods to add their baubles and integrate with their existing features. This has led to a thriving community of modders creating new baubles and expanding the game's customization options.Compared to other Minecraft mods that add similar features, such as Curios and Trinkets API, Baubles stands out for its simplicity and ease of use. The mod's interface is straightforward and intuitive, making it easy for players to equip and manage their baubles quickly. Additionally, the mod's compatibility with other mods ensures that players can quickly expand their bauble collection and customize their gameplay experience.Curios and Trinkets API, on the other hand, offers a more complex and customizable approach to accessory items in Minecraft. The mod allows players to create slots for equipping items and provides various customization options for each item. This level of customization can be overwhelming for some players, but it also allows for more unique and specialized gameplay experiences.Overall, Baubles and Curios and Trinkets API offer valuable additions to Minecraft's gameplay but appeal to different players. Baubles is an excellent option for those who want a simple, easy-to-use mod that adds various new items to the game. Curios and Trinkets API, on the other hand, is a better choice for players who want a more complex and customizable experience. Like other trinket mods, Baubles does not add many items; instead, you are supposed to install addons for it.



Tempad is a teleportation device that allows you to save and move between locations quickly. It is inspired by the Disney plus series show Loki.The small tablet device will let you save locations, delete locations, and teleport to these locations in the Sacred Timeline it adds.You can also change the colours of the menus and portals, even though the author does not like them. The main colour in the mod is orange, the device is orange, and most of the branding is orange, similar to some older computer terminals, which used orange as the default colour. There is a decent selection of colours to choose from.Tempad is also highly configurable. You can make it use energy, items, XP, make it have a timer, make it have durability and more. It is quite customisable, and you can learn how to customise it more in the wiki, which still works in development.You can also customise elements like rendering of the portals to make it look nicer; however, these can cause compatibility issues, especially with other mods, or even the vanilla game can have problems on some hardware. The rendering is mostly client, but other elements can also be on both sides. There are many attributes which we have not covered. It would be best to read the wiki to learn how to customise this mod best for your liking.


Dark Utilities

Dark Utilities is a kitchen sink mod which adds a weird variety of new content. It adds a large variety of content—some of which includes different charms and plates. The charms can be used with Trinkets or Curios. Each Charm has its abilities, as do Plates and traps.
Here are some of the Charms and Tomes. Most of the time, they can be somewhere in the Player's inventory.Portal Charm - Makes you go through portals fasterSleep Charms - Prevents Phantoms and makes you instantly sleep when standing on a bedWarding Charm - Weakens bad effectsTome of Shadows - Allows you to hide some blocksTomes - Allows you to use fonts in the game but has similar issues as Pig Pen Cypher mod.There are also Plates, which are a form of block:Blank Plate - The base plate from which all other plates derive fromVector Plate: Has a pointing arrow that spins, and when an entity touches it, it will fly off in the direction of the hand.Damage Plate - Does three hearts of damage to entities which touch itPlayer Damage Plate - Similar to Damage and Maim damage but drops XP, and other Player only dropEffect Plates - Has various potion effectsThere are also other blocks like Filters, which allow you only to enable particular mobs to go through them.
Redstone Randomizers randomly turn on and off and emit a redstone signal randomly. Good for randomised contraptions.
Shield Redstone is a Redstone that only works in 1 way.
Dark Utilities requires Bookshelf; new versions also need Runelic and Pig Pen Cipher.


Mekanism Generators

Mekanism Generators is a must-have Generation mod for Mekanism. Mekanism, by default, does not come with any ways to generate energy, this is not good as you need the energy to be able to use most of the tech, and without generators or other ways to make the energy, you would not be able to take advantage of most of the stuff at Mekanism. You would need Mekanism Generators or some other 3rd party mod which creates the necessary energy to work with Mekanism.There are multiple generators, such as:Heat GeneratorGas-Burning GeneratorBio-GeneratorSolar GeneratorAdvanced Solar GeneratorWind GeneratorFission ReactorTurbineWe will describe a few below:A heat generator is one of the only ones that does not need steel and I based on heat and can use things like Lava flow to create energy.Solar uses the sun but is very slow and only works during the day. It can be upgraded to Advanced, but it is larger and still only in the day.Wind Generator can do in all environments exposed to the sky strongly.There are more, but these are some of the ones that are good for beginners in Mekanism; if you are more advanced, you could go for ones like Bio Generator or Fusion Reactor.


Sophisticated Backpacks

Sophisticated Backpacks is an advanced upgradable backpack mod which adds a new backpack with many features not commonly found in other backpacks.Backpacks in their item form can be accessed by pressing a specific keybinding (which is B by default)It renders on the player when they put it in their chest slot; it is also compatible with Curios to let you wear it in the back slot designed for backpacks.Backpacks can also be used like chests; they can be placed down with Shift+Right click and opened like a chest, and items can also be added with hoppers and pipes and other methods for some good automation. To pick it up right, click it with empty hands. Please do note, though, that making your backpack into a chest can make it more likely to be stolen.Backpacks come in 5 tiers, Leather, Iron, Gold, Diamond, and Netherite, each adding more slots (though the number of slots and a bunch of other variables can be adjusted in the good config they have). You also get upgrade slots in better backpacks to add special abilities to your backpacks.The config, in general, is very detailed. It lets you configure various elements such as upgrade filter slots per level, upgrades, range, speed, and hiding particular backpacks if they do not meet your needs.Backpacks can come in many different colours. There are also multiple sections you can colour. Dye to the left to see the main colour and to the right for the accent. You are also able to combine dyes to make interesting combos. If you do not like the colours, you can wash them away with water and a cauldron.Many upgrades can be put in the update slots we mentioned earlier. Each does various things, such as:Magent: One of the best, teleports nearby items to the backpackFilter: Limits what can come in and out with pipesVoid: Gets rid of filtered itemsCompacting: Automatically compactsFeeding: Auto Eat food when hungryAnd MoreThe mod requires Sophisticated Core but has integrations with others such as Quark, Just Enough Items, Demagnetize, Curios, Crafting Tweaks, Botania and more.



Faithless is a resource pack inspired by the Faithful series that adds many cool new textures. The UI is significantly changed to be generally smaller buttons but in an excellent way, with a cool new font and more. Many of the item and block textures are varied, but the faithless pack is not too extreme of an overhaul; it is still designed to be vanilla friendly but does overhaul a few things. In some ways, the resource pack does seem to improve performance, but that could be a placebo effect; many of the placed blocks, especially stone, look very similar or the same, while many of the entities look a bit different (sometimes good, sometimes not so well such as with the creeper.) Faithless is a pretty good texture pack that adds new levels of detail to the game and UI. It also has some texture changes for mods.However, it is important to know that the licensing is very restrictive; you can’t make unofficial ports, modify, build on, redistribute, or make money on the mod, according to the author. The resource pack also has beta versions.


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