Best Minecraft configuration mods

Explore some of the outstanding mods for Minecraft. There is always a room to make your game more fascinating. So sit back, and flick through tons of amazing mods!

Cloth Config API 17

Cloth Config API (also Auto Config) is a config API that allows the player to change the config of the game from Within the Game’s GUI. It is one of the most popular config APIs, and it is made

Spirit 2

Spirit is a mod that is inspired by the Soul Shards mod. As its spiritual successor, it expands on the idea of spirit magic while keeping a similar balance of the original mod. It adds many new multi-

AtomicStryker's Infernal Mobs 18

Infernal mobs is a mod, that adds custom-made diablo-like modifiers to mobs. Every mob in the game has a chance to spawn with a different rarity. Each rarity increases the mob's HP, damage, or add

InControl 11

InControl is a mod that allows you to change multiple things in Minecraft with the help of a rule system. These rules are located in separate JSON files outside of Minecraft and have to be edited ther

SwingThroughGrass 16

SwingThroughGrass is a simple mod that allows you to hit mobs behind most walkable blocks. Originally, these blocks are supposed to allow you to clip through them, but when you try and attack a target

Ice and Fire 4

Ice and Fire is an adventure mod that adds a lot of unique content to the game. Most notable are dragons which now soar the skies of the Minecraft world.  The mod does not limit itself to them. I

Mythic Mounts

Mythic mounts is an adventure mod that enhances Minecraft biomes with new tameable animals. Mod adds 14 new creatures which are all tameable. Some of them are friendly animals roaming the wilderness w

Catalogue 1

Catalogue replaces the mod list menu that Forge offers. This new list looks way better and pleasing than Forge's default one. This mod makes it easy to sort through your list of mods, check for up