Best Minecraft fix mods

Explore some of the outstanding mods for Minecraft. There is always a room to make your game more fascinating. So sit back, and flick through tons of amazing mods!

Dynamic Trees - The Twilight Forest


While Dynamic Trees has greatly enhanced the appearance and behavior of vanilla trees, the same cannot be said for trees introduced by other mods. Many mod developers have created their own unique tre

Not Enough Crashes

When Minecraft crashes, the game automatically closes. You will have to take a look at the crash logs, figure out the reason for the crash, fix the issue and launch your game again. NotEnoughCrashes&n

FastWorkBench 6

FastWorkBench is a Forge mod that improves the performance of all crafting related functions in Minecraft. The 1.12 update introduces a bug where shift-click crafting a stack of items causes a momenta

Toast Control 7

The Toast Control mod is a simple mod that helps you adjust the appearance of Toasts. Toasts are the achievement bars that slide in onto your screen when you complete a specific achievement. Some of t