Minecraft FPS Mods

Mods that optimise the game, offering you much smoother experience

Iris Shaders 18

If you want to boost your FPS in the game, you should definitely try the Iris shaders mod. What it does is simply doubles your game performance. You will notice a significant increase in FPS compared

Sodium 19

Sodium is another FPS optimization mod that is the best alternative to Optifine mod, however, it boosts your game even further to the limits. Unlike Optifine, which includes its integrated vanilla GUI


Enhances Minecraft's rendering engine for high-performance custom models and shaders, utilizing advanced GPU optimizations.

Optifine Latest 27

Optimizes performance with FPS boosts and customizable settings, enabling shader support for stunning visual enhancements.

FPS Reducer 10

FPS Reducer mod conserves energy by lowering frame rate and sound when idle or window is inactive.


Halogen is an FPS-Booster mod that improves the performance of Minecraft and also increases its frame rate. This FPS-Booster, however, is not limited to improving performance and frame rate: it i


Rubidium is an unofficial for the Sodium mod and it is made for the Forge mod loader. This mod contains all the features of the Sodium mod and makes it possible to have them on Forge. This mod is not

Better Fps 1

Better FPS mod improves your FPS by using a bunch of algorithms that affect the performance in your game. If you usually play Minecraft with a modpacks that contain a lot of mods, then this mod is wha

Optifine HD 7

Optifine is probably the most popular mod to optimize your game by increasing its performance. The mod will add up considerable points to your FPS and it will be more comfortable for you to play Minec