Mods for Minecraft 1.16.4

Discover some of the wonderful mods for Minecraft version :version. These will make your Minecraft world even more fascinating to explore by adding a whole bunch of new functionalities, items, blocks and even new landscapes.

Immersive Petroleum 1

Oil has earned a negative reputation for its dangerous effects on the world, but using it to fuel your factory in Minecraft is perfectly safe!Immersive Petroleum is an addon for Immersive Enginee

Engineer's Decor 5

Useful, simple to use and good looking, Engineer's Decor is an addon to Immersive Engineering that adds tons of decorative blocks and a few functional machines to the game.New bricks, new concrete

Immersive Engineering 8

A timeless classic, Immersive Engineering is a tech-industry mod that adds many multiblock machines, power sources, animated windmills and waterwheels and awesome weapons like the Railgun and the Revo

Farming for Blockheads 15

Farming for Blockheads is a small farming mod that adds various farming stuff to the game. These things make farming in Minecraft Easier for the player by adding things like fertilizer, chicken coops,

Origins 9

Origins is a mod and family of mods which adds special abilities known as origins which the player selects upon starting a new world or upon loading a world which did not in the past have the origins

MCDoom 7

MCDoom is a mod which adds lots of Doom Themed content to the game from the Game series Doom, including the DOS version of Doom and Doom Eternal. The mod has a collection of different items, tools, bo

Curios API 11

Curios API is an equipment API and Slot System for Minecraft, allowing for more usage for items and tools rather than just the traditional armour and shield/offhand slots. On the player Inventory Scre

Cloth Config API 17

Cloth Config API (also Auto Config) is a config API that allows the player to change the config of the game from Within the Game’s GUI. It is one of the most popular config APIs, and it is made

GeckoLib 6

GeckoLib is an animation and physics library for Minecraft, which makes it easier to animate modded objects in Minecraft. GeckoLib became common after changes to the Minecraft Animation Engine made it

Architectury API 3

Architectury API is an API that aims to provide common hooks for both Minecraft Forge and FabricMC Based Modloaders (like QuiltMC), allowing you to make mods for more than one mod loader more eas

Yung’s Bridges

Yung’s Bridges is a Mod for MinecraftForge and FabricMC, which adds a collection of over 15 different types of bridges which naturally spawn around your world. It claims to be the 1st mod which

Yung’s API 3

Yung’s API is a world-generation API commonly used by Yung’s mods and a variety of other mods. It has collections of shared methods and data abstractions for data-related stuff including J