Mods for Minecraft 1.17

Discover some of the wonderful mods for Minecraft version :version. These will make your Minecraft world even more fascinating to explore by adding a whole bunch of new functionalities, items, blocks and even new landscapes.

MultiLoader Template 4

MultiLoader Template is a mod development template designed for targeting Minecraft Forge, QuiltMC, and FabricMC in one environment. It is a Gradle project containing four nested Gradle projects, each

Ring of the Enderchest 6

Light and straight to the point, this mod adds a ring that can be used to access your ender chest from a distance.This item is originally from the Gobber 2 mod, but the author has made a bunch of micr


Handcrafted is one of the best furniture mods I've had the pleasure to play with. The furniture it adds to the game is extremely well polished and the variety is just right, without being bloated

Spirit 2

Spirit is a mod that is inspired by the Soul Shards mod. As its spiritual successor, it expands on the idea of spirit magic while keeping a similar balance of the original mod. It adds many new multi-

AtomicStryker's Infernal Mobs 18

Infernal mobs is a mod, that adds custom-made diablo-like modifiers to mobs. Every mob in the game has a chance to spawn with a different rarity. Each rarity increases the mob's HP, damage, or add

The Bumblezone 13

The Bumblezone mod introduces a new world into Minecraft. Bumblezone adds a new dimension for the Bee. Unlike other dimensions, you don’t need any portal to enter this dimension. You can en

Cooking for Blockheads 18

Cooking for Blockheads is a mod that simplifies the boring part of the game, where you have to prepare your food for your adventures. It adds many new items, blocks, and multi-block structures to make

SwingThroughGrass 16

SwingThroughGrass is a simple mod that allows you to hit mobs behind most walkable blocks. Originally, these blocks are supposed to allow you to clip through them, but when you try and attack a target

CameraOverhaul 16

CameraOerhaul is really an interesting upgrade for anyone in their Minecraft world who wants a more immersive and dynamic camera video experience. This mod makes the movement of the frame dynamic

Shutup Experimental Settings! 6

Shutup Experimental Settings! is a mod that removes a screen in Minecraft that warns you about using experimental settings.In Minecraft, starting around the 1.16 era, the Experimental Settings screen

Storage Drawers 19

Storage Drawers is a mod which adds specialised storage drawers into the game. The ideas of Jabba and Bibliocraft influence it. They are compact and serve a particular æsthetic function separate

Nameless Trinkets 4

Nameless Trinkets is a mod that adds Trinkets (like a form of jewellery) to Minecraft; each has unique abilities. Trinkets can be found all around your world; they can also be crafted and equipped in