
1789 views 51 downloadsFeb 4, 2023 Feb 4, 2023

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Ambient Structures Mod

Ambient Structures is a cool structure mod that adds a few new structures into your game. All of these structures do not do much other than making your world look a lot more detailed. You will find some of the structures generated randomly in your world. Here's a list of structures added by this mod :

Mini Castles are abandoned structures that you will come across while travelling.

The Wandering Trader base is supposed to look like a base for the Wandering trader that we all hate.

Artifacts look like a portal to another dimension. They generate in a broken down manner with overgrowing greenery on them.

There are several other tiny structures like tents, fireplaces and hot air balloons, that you may come across.

Take a look at the screenshots to see what you can expect from this mod. This is a Forge mod and download links are given below.