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Chai's Build Tools Mod

Three new tools to make your building experience a lot more easier! Play around with the Wrench, Trowel and the Cloud Bucket.

Anyone who has tried building in Minecraft knows how inconvenient certain aspects of the building process can be. Maybe it is the orientation of a stair block. No matter how hard you try, there are other blocks obstructing you from placing the stair in the required orientation. Now you have to go through the tiresome task of breaking the obstructing blocks, place the stair, and then rebuild everything. There are many more problems without solutions, the builders face on a daily basis.

Chai's Build Tools mod is here with the solutions for some of the most common problems faced by builders. This mod introduces three new tools, and each one makes your building experience a lot more convenient. Let us take a look at the three tools one-by-one.

The Wrench

Remember the stair orientation problem in the beginning? The wrench is here with the solution. Using the wrench, you can right click on a block to cycle through the different orientations that the blocks can have. This allows you orient a block in any way, without having to change your position.

Cloud Bucket

There might be situations where you have to place a block in a certain blockspace, but there are no blocks in the adjacent blockspaces to act as supporting blocks. In this situation, you will have to place down a support block, place your required blocks and then remove the support block. This is boring and tiresome. And the Cloud Bucket is here to help you.

You can use the cloud bucket to place a cloud block as a supporting block. This cloud block will act as a solid block for four seconds, during which you can use it as a support blocks. After this four seconds, the cloud block will simply fade out from existence.


Imagine you have a collection of different blocks in your inventory that you want to place in a randomized manner. In the vanilla game, you will have to do the randomization process by yourself, which can lead to a build that is not really "random". The trowel will assist you here. Right click using the trowel to place down a random block from your hotbar. 

Whether you are an experienced builder or a just an average survival player, Chai's Build Tools mod is a must have for anyone who deals with any kind of building in Minecraft.