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Just Enough Resources (JER) Mod

Just Enough Resources is a Just Enough Items addon which added new information based on resources. There are a few tabs added to Just Enough Items by Just Enough Resources, each doing various different things. Most of the tabs are accessed with a left click rather than a right click, which may cause some issues with cheat mode, though the buttons can likely be remapped and it is still possible to get the Just Enough Resources Tabs in the traditional JEI interface though.

While it does work with modded content, do note, that similar to Just Enough Items, custom-modded solutions may not be able to integrate with addons like Just Enough Resources. Modders may need to do custom work to make their mod integrate with Just Enough Resources if you do stuff in a non-conventional way.

One of the tabs is the trading tab. This tab shows the common trades with villagers in the game that are registered with the plugin or are just vanilla. It can show to and from trades making it easy to see what you can do with a rather useless item.

The Mob drops tag shows some of the things mobs drop when they die. This can be accessed with the spawn egg and shows the likely drops of a mob and probability.

Block Drops are similar to Mob drops but it is for blocks.

Plant drops can be accessed by right-clicking the seed, it shows what kind of plant can be grown with a seed, what the plant looks like over time, what the plant drops, and other information about the plant.

Selecting an Ore can give you information about its world generation. It gives you a graph showing the likeliness to find the ore at different depths over time as a line graph, which can be useful for people trying to mine to find different ores.

Dungeon Chance also lets you know the likeliness of finding something in a dungeon.

Just Enough Resources is the successor to Not Enough Resources for Not Enough Items. It also has an unofficial port for Roughly Enough Items called Roughly Enough Resources.

You should also look at the Wiki for more info like profiling.