Rated 5.0/5.0 by 2 users
Enhanced biome generation and new structures that immitate the real-world nature. Also adds new villages, blocks and food
The vanilla Minecraft terrain generation has stayed very bland and has lacked detail for a very long time. Even though the Caves & Cliffs update brought us taller, peakier mountains and larger underground caves, most of the basic biomes still look the same. The Nature's Spirit mod is here to make some changes.
This completely overhauls your overworld biomes, while also adding a lot of new features that help detail them. You will notice much denser forests with trees generating in various different shapes and colors. In all sense, this mod adds some serious variations without straying away from the vanilla feel of the game.
You will come across biomes with trees that generate with multiple colored leaves. When combined with the superior beauty provided by shaders, these forests will make your game world look like a magical paradise. The shader pack used for the screenshots is Rre36's Kappa Shaders.
The vanilla game has villages that generate with the same shape, but different wood variations for different biomes. But Nature's Spirit introduces it's own village designs for the new biomes. They blend in flawlessly with the biome they are in and the attention to detail given by the developers is very noticeable.
Navigate to the Downloads tab and use the links provided there to download this amazing mod. The Terrablender mod is a requirement for this mod to function properly.