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Who said that games don't need security options? Not minecraft! Enjoy playing this game with elevated security options and settings! SecurityCraft delivers precisely what it promises! There are lasers, retinal scanners, keypads, impregnable doors, and more. The Wall Jump mod, Smart Moving, and Secret Rooms all function well together. Please feel free to download it and protect yourself against invaders, such as those annoying creepers! More information, photos, recipes, and other delights may be found in the ingame documentation through /sc help. Check it out, and please report any issues you find on the Discord server listed below. The SecurityCraft banner is the responsibility of JorBinks. Thank you for taking the time to read what I've written. Padlock, Delete block, Universal block eliminator, Turret, Protected chest, Security table, Rotator, and more security aspects are added to your world with this mod.