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Small Reactors is a tech mod that adds bunch of new tech related blocks and items into Minecraft. Here's a list of items added by the mod :
-Silver: Spawns like gold. Used for alloys, power components and one of the starter generators
-Zinc: Spawns in uncommon but larger veins in the higher regions of the world. Used for alloys and upgrade kits
-Bismuth: Spawns uncommonly in the lower regions of the world. Used for alloys, radiation shielding and RF containment
-Apatite: Spawns rarely around sea level in large veins. Used to make phosphate fertilizer and as a source of fluorine
-Brimstone: Spawns in large common veins all over the nether. Used to make sulfuric acid, mainly for processing apatite
-Spodumene: Spawns rarely around diamond level. Can be refined into Lithium using an advanced processing chain
-Bauxite: Spawns in uncommon but large veins in the higher regions of the world. With the help of cryolite obtained as byproduct of crushing redstone ore, it can be refined into Aluminium
-Rock Salt: Spawns in large clumps similar to andesite. Used to make Brine which can be processed into Sodium Hydroxide and Chlorine
-Stirling engine: Burns furnace fuel, generating 20RF/t. Smart enough to not waste fuel as long as it fits inside its buffer.
-Steam engine: Turns steam into RF at 40RF/t.
-Gas engine: Burns fluid fuels, generating 80RF/t. Can be upgraded to boost its efficiency and power by 50% in the form of steam. A steam engine can be stacked up top to make use of the steam.
-Fuel Cell engine:Burns high purity fuels. Its expensive and slow, generating only 20RF/t but has a base +50% efficiency while still being able to take the upgrade from the gas engine for +125%efficiency. Can also be upgraded to double its output, but only accept hydrogen as fuel.
-Lightning engine: Harnesses lightning strikes from a connected lightning rod, generating 1000000RF per bolt at 160RF/t. It discharges even if there is no place for the energy to go and cant receive a new bolt until the last one has been consumed.
RF management:
-Basic energy cell: Stores 1.000.000RF and can transfer 320RF/t. Retains power when broken. Configurable siding including a balance mode which balances power between connected cells.
-Advanced energy cell: Stores 16.000.000Rf and can transfer 5120RF/t
-Redstone Furnace: Uses RF to smelt things. Equally as efficient but twice as fast. Upgrades available to turn it into a smoker or blast furnace.
-Alloy Smelter: Makes Alloys. it should be obvious what the alloys are made from
-Crusher: Crushes ore blocks into raw ores at fortune 3 equivalent. upgrade available to boost to fortune 4. Crushes raw ores into dusts at 1.25x plus secondary. some metals can only be obtained this way.
-Water source: Fills nearby tanks with water
-Geothermal Well: Turns water into steam by slowly solidifying underground lava in a 4x4 chunk area. outputs from the top, makes enough steam to power a steam engine. does not work in the nether.
-Chemical Reactor: Can be used to gassify coal and wood/kelp into syngas, a gaseous fuel for advanced engines. The process is only ~77% efficient but the gas engine can be upgraded to offset that. Syngas can also be further reformed into hydrogen. Biomass based syngas has better hydrogen generating efficiency. The order of ingredients matters: Carbon goes in first slot, oxygen in the second and steam in the third. For hydrogen syngas goes in the first and steam in the third.
-Pressurized Absorption Swinger: extracts oxygen from the air for a minor amount of RF.
-Biogas Reactor: Turns compostables into biogas. Not as efficient as other mods biofuel chains but can run on any compostable junk.
-Electrolyzer: splits an input fluid into 2 to 3 outputs. Used to refine Aluminium and Lithium. Can also make hydrogen from water but the round trip efficiency is only 50%. It can use up to 320RF/t
-Magma Crucible: turns a solid into a molten output. used in the refining of Aluminium and Lithium
-Wrench: Used to rotate engines and configure the sides on the energy cell
-Gas Vent: Releases a gas into the atmosphere. Try not to vent the waste Chlorine from Lithium refining
-Destabilized Redstone: Made by striking redstone blocks with lightning via a lightning rod. Used in making the advanced energy cell and some alloys
Take a look at the screenshots to see what you can expect from this mod. This is a Forge mod and download links are given below. Read the installation instructions carefully.