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Stay Warm Together Mod

Enhances snowy biomes with new creatures, adding charm and unique gameplay features

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Einstine Pc


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The Stay Warm Together mod adds a new layer of life to the snowy biomes of Minecraft. With the inclusion of three new creatures, the Hearthjaw, Bloomina, and Rimeite Queen, the winter landscapes now have a more charming and welcoming ambiance. Each of these creatures comes with its unique abilities and characteristics that add to the gameplay experience.


The Rimeite Queen may seem vulnerable, but her army of Rimeites build an igloo fortress to protect her while collecting snow on her back. If players assist her, she may reward them with the snow bricks to use in their own constructions. The Hearthjaw, on the other hand, is the perfect companion to warm up with during the cold season. By feeding it any furnace fuel, players can receive Hearthgoop, which illuminates dark areas.

The Bloomina, with its plant-like appearance, provides light to its surroundings and has a special bond with the Hearthjaw, even feeding it when given the opportunity. By feeding Hearthgoop to two Bloominas, players can plant a Bloomina Bud that will hatch into a new baby Bloomina.