Mods for Minecraft

Explore some of the outstanding mods for Minecraft. There is always a room to make your game more fascinating. So sit back, and flick through tons of amazing mods!

Wurst 9

Wurst is a mod that gives you advantages. It allows you to perform block telemetry, walk on water, walk on scaffolds, get PVP assistance, excavate, find items, and more.It has a menu that can be acces

FastLeafDecay 28

Expedites leaf decay rapidly after tree removal

Mo' Villages 5

Enhances Minecraft villages by introducing them in diverse biomes, unique architectural variants, and increased villager diversity

Progressive Automation 3

Introduces low-tech automation tools to enhance productivity, upgrade mining, farming, crafting, defense, and animal husbandry activities.

The Twilight Forest 8

Embark on an adventure in a unique dimension with intricate dungeons, epic boss battles, and valuable treasures

Ender Compass 1

Guides players directly to End portals, eliminating the need for breaking Ender eyes or aimless wandering.

Simple Double Jump 6

Enhance your mobility with double jumps while managing hunger mechanics. Easily customizable control settings.

Desolation 1

Explore a new, dark biome with unique mobs and blocks, featuring captivating particle effects resembling falling ash.

Gaia Dimension 4

Explore a unique magical dimension with distinct visuals and features. Construct a portal to access the mystical Gaia Dimension.

Freecam 11

Experience enhanced third-person perspective with this mod, featuring versatile camera controls and extensive customization options.

MCSkyblock 2

Explore a new world type, "Skyblock," offering customizable survival challenges with minimal resources and unique configuration options.

Chai's Build Tools 2

Three new tools to make your building experience a lot more easier! Play around with the Wrench, Trowel and the Cloud Bucket.

Item Highlighter 0

Highlights new items in your inventory

Quality Sounds 1

Placing blocks now emit sound effects

A Good Place

Gives you truly immersive building experience. Smooth animations that make placing blocks visually captivating and enhance your gameplay experience.



Enhances the immersion by adding improved particle and sound effects to actions like mining, chopping wood, and interacting with water and lava

Lithosphere 8

Push the boundaries of realistic lanscapes further than ever before. Rivers, lakes, valleys, deserts, jungles and many more beautifully crafted biomes

aleki's Nifty Ships


Ships mod that gets closest to vanilla Minecraft. Adds small and large ships which can be decorated and equipped with blocks

Nature's Spirit

Enhanced biome generation and new structures that immitate the real-world nature. Also adds new villages, blocks and food

Goblin Traders

We all know how annoying the wandering traders are... But how about adding another trader that gives better trades? This is what the Goblin Traders mod is for.This mod is a simple mod that adds two ti