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Our Minecraftr skin is something that we spend a long time picking. We go through many designs until we find something that matches our liking. Some players even design their own skins. Unfortunately, the skin gets covered up by armor. An armor is something that players need in order for their protection. So how do we show off our skin without losing the benefits of an armor? This is where the Minimal Armor texture pack helps you out! With this pack installed, all of the armor variants will have a minimal outlook, covering less parts of the players body, allowing the player to show off his skin. The chestplate only covers the shoulders, the boots and the pants will only cover a small area near the player's foot. The low armor coverage does not affect the protection that the armor gives. The texture pack only affects the appearance of the armors. Elytras are made minimalistic too.
Take a look at the screenshots to see what you can expect from this pack. Download links are given below. Read the installation instructions carefully.