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UltimaCraft is one of the most popular Minecraft texture packs available. The pack is unique for the attention it gives to detail. My favourite elements of the pack are the stones/sticks lying on the ground and the smooth borders between different blocks. You can find stones and sticks lying on the ground here and there. You can also find some green flower like substance along with them. In the nether, you will come across netherrack stones lying around. These are small additions, but they really do add to the amount of detail that you have in your game. Next, we have smooth transistion between different blocks. If you have a grass block and stone block next to one another, the border between them will be smooth, rather than a solid line like in vanilla. Some grass will overgrow onto the stone, making the transistion look smoother and realistic. Take a look at the screenshots to see what you can expect from this pack.
The download links given below will take you to the official curseforge files page of this pack. You can download your required version of this pack from there.