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Made for redstone engineers!
If you are someone who messes around with redstone mechanisms a lot, you would know how difficult it is to build and repair complex redstone circuits with a lot of redstone blocks clustered together. It is difficult to identify the facing directions of blocks llke droppers, dispensers and observers when only one of their faces is visible, while the other faces are hidden behind adjacent blocks.
The XK Redstone Display texture pack is here to assist you with these issues. This pack essentially tweaks the textures of some redstone blocks to make them identifiable from any directions. For example, it will be hard to differentiate between a regular piston and a sticky piston, if only their bottom face is visible. But with this pack, both piston variants have differentiable textures. They even have elements to help identify if the piston is extended or not.
Redstone dust will have a number on them that shows their power level, which can be anywhere between 0 and 15. Noteblocks will display the note and instrument that it is set to. And many more features that will make dealing with redstone circuitry a lot easier.
Download this amazing pack using the links provided in the Downloads tab.