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Macaw's Paintings 9

Получив огромное количество лайков и похвал за свои предыдущие моды для оформления, разработчик модов Macaw вдохновился на изучение совершенно нового направления - живописи!  Картины, представленные в

Macaw's Lights and Lamps 5

Are you looking for an alternative to traditional torches, glowstone, redstone lamps, and other forms of vanilla lighting for your lighting needs? Macaw's Lights and Lamps 1.0.4 has you covered! T

Macaw's Doors 12

Macaw’s Doors is a mod created by Macaw, like Macaw’s other mods. It adds a variety of new doors to the game with unique designs. The mod adds wooden doors, iron doors, glass doors, jail d

Macaw's Fences and Walls 3

Another mod from our favourite mod developer. Developer Macaw is popular for creating mods that adds vanilla friendly blocks into the game. All of the blocks that are added by Macaw's mods have pr

Macaw's Trapdoors 7

Macaw's Trapdoor is a must have mod for builders who are looking forward to making their builds more deatiled and fancy looking. This mod adds ten types of trapdoors for each wood variants and two

Macaw's Roofs 6

Macaw's Roofs is an amazing mod with which Minecraft builders will absolutely fall in love with. If you are a builder, then this mod is a must have. Macaw's Roofs adds a ton of new blocks into

Macaw's Windows 7

Windows would be a nice littile addition to Minecraft. You can use them to make your builds look a lot more detailed. Macaw's Windows adds a ton of window variants along with other window rel