
3148 views 205 downloadsDec 6, 2021 Dec 6, 2021

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Chalk Mod Mod

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The Chalk mod adds 16 chalks into your game. You can craft these chalks using a piece of clay and dye. You can draw a three different shapes using the chalks - arrow, point and cross. All of these can be placed by right clicking onto the side of any full block. The arrow itself has 8 forms, each pointing towards different directions. The direction in which in your arrow points is determined by what part of the block you clicked. You can place a dot by clicking at the centre of the block. A cross can be placed by crouching and right clicking.

You can add a glow to the chalk drawings by right clicking on it with glowstone dust. The glow even lights up some of the surrounding blocks. This is helpful, if you are using the mod to track your way in a dark cave.

This mod offers versions for Forge and download links can be found below.