Best Minecraft utility mods

Mods adding tons of mobs into your Game

Text-utilities 12

Introduces option for styling and formatting text in signs, books, and anvils

Enchantment Descriptions 2

Impaling Enchantment. What does it do? If you do not know, this mod is for you. View enchantment description on item tooltips.

OpenBlocks Elevator 19

The best vertical travel method! Quickly teleport between vertical heights using elevator blocks. Apply camouflage to these blocks to blend them into your build.


Ventured far into the world with your friends and died? Do you struggle to catch up with the rest of the team? Worry no more, as this mod allows you to respawn beside your friends.

TrampleDisabler 2

Prevents crops from being trampled by mobs or players.

Uncraftables The Craftables

Adds crafting recipes for previously unobtainable or non-craftable items, enhancing survival and creative gameplay possibilities

Progressive Automation 3

Introduces low-tech automation tools to enhance productivity, upgrade mining, farming, crafting, defense, and animal husbandry activities.

Mob Capturing Tool 3

Capture and transport mobs to your desired location with ease!

FreeCam by Zergatul 6

Provides a detached camera mode for unrestricted exploration and screenshot capture in survival, with clipping through blocks.

Random Things 10

Enhance your gameplay with versatile features, including quirky gadgets, enchanting potions, and customizable redstone mechanics.

CompactStorage 9

Enhance your Minecraft storage with customizable chests, barrels, and backpacks, expandable up to 24 x 12 inventory slots

Online Detector 5

Introduces a block to emit Redstone signals when specific players are online

Command Creative Tab

Adds a creative inventory tab for easy access to command and structure blocks without commands

copygirl's Wearable Backpacks

Adds wearable backpacks for additional storage, replaces chestplate, share contents, and allows dye customization

Zombie Extreme

Zombie Extreme is a mod for Minecraft that adds new, stronger zombies to the game to increase the difficulty. These zombies are much stronger and more intelligent than their vanilla counterparts. They

Adventure Apparatus


This mod is simply AMAZING! The Adventure Apparatus mod adds several new items that will make your Minecraft life a lot more convenient. You will fall in love with this mod if you are the type of play

Ring of the Enderchest 6

Light and straight to the point, this mod adds a ring that can be used to access your ender chest from a distance.This item is originally from the Gobber 2 mod, but the author has made a bunch of micr

Hwyla 1

Hwyla is an amzing utility mod that adds a small screen that shows the stats of an item, block or mob that you point your crosshair at. Pointing your crosshair at a mob displays information regarding

Mouse Wheelie 1

Mouse Wheelie is a Fabric clientside utility mod that allows you to perform various inventory related operations using your scroll wheel. This mod will make inventory management much more easier. Feat

Open Glider

Open Gilder adds a new hang glider into Minecraft. This glider will allow you to easily glide through the air and makes long distance travel much more quicker and easier. The Glider is way more superi