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OpenBlocks Elevator Mod

The best vertical travel method! Quickly teleport between vertical heights using elevator blocks. Apply camouflage to these blocks to blend them into your build.

Traversing vertical heights in Minecraft has always been a challenge. Ladders are the vanilla intended method for this purpose, but they are slot and will ruin the aesthetics of your builds. Over time, players have come up with a lot of different elevator designs that rely on water mechanics and redstone, but they all come with their own drawbacks. 

The OpenBlocks Elevator mod is here with the optimal solution.

This mod introduces vertical blocks that allow players to instantly teleport between different heights. Simply place two elevator blocks at different heights in the same X,Y coordinates. To teleport from the lower level to the upper level, simply jump. To teleport from a higher level to the lower level, you have to sneak.

The elevator blocks come in sixteen different colors and come with a custom GUI. In the GUI, you will notice an option called "Directional". Toggle this on and choose a direction from the side. The player will be facing this directing upon teleporting to this elevator block. Note that this has nothing to do with horizontal movement, it only changes the direction the player is facing.

Furthermore, the mod allows you to camouflage the elevator blocks to make it easier to blend the into your build. Simply hold a solid block and right click with it on the elevator block, and the elevator block will use the texture of the block.