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Uncraftables The Craftables Mod

Adds crafting recipes for previously unobtainable or non-craftable items, enhancing survival and creative gameplay possibilities

Minecraft has plenty of items that are impossible to craft. These are items like bedrock, spawner, horse armor, chainmail armorset, dragon egg, Totem of undying and many many more items. Many of these items have no crafting recipes. And some are unobtainable in survival mode. This is where the Uncraftables The Craftables mod helps you out.

This mod adds plenty of new crafting recipes to Minecraft. You can now craft bedrock using four stone blocks and a bed. But wait!  Would'nt that be too overpowered? Yes. 

Furthermore, you will also be able to craft rare items like music discs, name tags, nether stars, etc. Take a look at this document for the crafting requirements -> CLICK HERE

Take a look at the screenshots to see what you can expect from this mod. This is a Forge mod and download links are given below. Read the installation instructions CAREFULLY to avoid any errors while using the mod.