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Christopher Haws


Christopher Haws


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Text Utilities Mod

Enhanced customization options for the text content in signs and hanging signs.

The vanilla game doesn't offer much flexibility when it comes to configuring the text you input on signs. The most detail you can add is by right-clicking a sign with some dye to change its text color. Want more control over the text on signs?

The Text Utilities mod is here to make that happen.

As shown in the image, this mod introduces numerous text customization options into the sign GUI. You'll be able to have signs with multicolored text and various text effects. All these options are available for the hanging sign variants too.


  • Adds color and formatting buttons to the sign editor screen, anvil screen, and the book edit screen.
  • Integrates color and formatting support for fabric servers when installed server-side.
  • Configures formatting code prefix to accommodate servers that don't use the default § (like Purpur, which has built-in support for &).
  • Enables click-through on signs and item frames when attached to containers.
    • Click-through is disabled when holding a sign, dye, an ink sac, or a glowing ink sac in your main hand.
    • Item Frame click-through is blocked while sneaking or if the frame is empty.
    • Allows adding custom blocks/entities to the click-through list.
  • Increases the max width and height of the chat HUD for better customization options.

NOTE: Currently, you need to select a color before a format button if you want to use both.