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Every Compat (Wood Good) Mod

Every Compat (Wood Good) is a mod which makes woods more compatible with each other and lets you make various different things out of this wood. The mod has a bunch of built-in item types, but the mod when installed by itself adds nothing (except an empty Creative Tab), you must add another mod which adds different types of wood such as Terrestria or Biomes O Plenty, Twigs, or Oh Biomes Youll Go, or Twilight Forest, or any other mod which adds wood. Most mods, but probably not all, mods which add new wood types are probably compatible with this mod. If you have mods which add new wood types that do not have one of the item types, the new items will automatically be generated in the custom creative tab for Every Compat.

There are many different types of items/blocks that can be generated by the mod, though you are not guaranteed to get all of them (we only got tables in our case with Twigs and Terrestria and only after installing Terrestria). Many of the different item types require their own mod.

  • Posts (Requires Quark in some cases)

  • Stripped posts (Requires Quark in some cases)

  • Hedges (Requires Quark in some cases)

  • Bookshelves (Requires Quark in some cases)

  • Vertical Planks (Requires Quark in some cases)

  • Ladders (Requires Quark in some cases)

  • Chests (Requires Quark in some cases)

  • Cabinets (Requires Farmers Delight in some cases)

  • Hollow Logs (Requires Twilight Forest in some cases)

  • Banisters (Requires Twilight Forest in some cases)

  • Seats (Decorative Blocks)

  • Palisades  (Decorative Blocks)    

  • Drawers (Storage Drawers)

  • Mosaics (Mosaic Carpentry)   

  • Many  More

This mod is built on Moonlight Lib, Moonlight Lib has a lot of built-in tools related to categorising items and block types, and this makes good use of this feature in Moonlight Lib, this mod will also work well with other compatibility mods and try not to register stuff which already exists. 

 For developers there is an easy API to add support for your blocks by creating a block definition with only 10 lines of code and the textures/assets are automatically generated. It is hard to add support for a different type of block though as conditional registration is not possible and it is also not possible to do config-based registration. If you want to add support for a different type of block you may send the developers a pull request or use a file called EveryCompatAPI in your mods to help. EveryCompatAPI has its own Java docs and other module info.