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Freecam Mod

2350 views 132 downloadsJul 29, 2023 Jul 29, 2023

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Freecam is an amazing camera that lets you detach your camera from your player and view yourself in third person perspective. This is especially useful when you have scout your surroundings while travelling or to take screenshots of your builds from a different angle. Compared to other camera mods, Freecam offers a lot more features and configurations. 

Let's take a look at some of the default keybinds and conguration options. It is recommended to use Modmenu for easier configuration.


  • Toggle Freecam - Enables/disables Freecam - Default: F4
  • Config GUI - Opens the settings screen - Defaul: Unbound
  • Control Player - Transfers control back to your player, but retains your current perspective (Can only be used while Freecam is active.) - Default: Unbound
  • Reset Tripod - Resets a tripod* camera when pressed in combination with any of the hotbar keys - Default: Unbound

*The freecam bind can also be used in conjunction with any of the hotbar keys (F4 + 1...9) to enter "tripod" mode. This enables you to set up multiple cameras with differing perspectives, and switch between them at will.

Movement Options

  • Flight Mode - The type of flight used by freecam. - Default: DEFAULT

        - DEFAULT : Static velocity with no drifting

        - CREATIVE : Vanilla creative flight

  • Horizontal Speed - The horizontal speed of freecam. - Default: 1.0
  • Vertical Speed - The vertical speed of freecam. - Default: 1.0

Collision Options

  • Ignore Transparent Blocks - Allows travelling through transparent blocks in freecam. - Default: true
  • Ignore Openable Blocks - Allows travelling through doors/trapdoors/gates in freecam. - Default: true
  • Ignore All Collision - Allows travelling through all blocks in freecam. - Default: true
  • Always Check Initial Collision - Whether Initial Perspective should check for collision, even when using Ignore All Collision - Default: false

Visual Options

  • Initial Perspective - The initial perspective of the camera. - Default: INSIDE

       - FIRST_PERSON : The player's perspective

       - THIRD_PERSON : Behind the player

       - THIRD_PERSON_MIRROR : In front of the player

       - INSIDE : Inside the player

  • Show Player - Shows your player in its original position. - Default: true
  • Show Hand - Whether you can see your hand in freecam. - Default: false
  • Full Brightness - Increases brightness while in freecam. - Default: false
  • Show Submersion Fog - Whether you see a fog overlay underwater, in lava, or powdered snow. - Default: false

Utility Options

  • Disable on Damage - Disables freecam when damage is received. - Default: true
  • Freeze Player - Prevents player movement while freecam is active. - Default: false

        - WARNING: Multiplayer usage not advised.

  • Allow Interaction - Whether you can interact with blocks/entities in freecam. - Default: false

        - WARNING: Multiplayer usage not advised.

  • Interaction Mode - The source of block/entity interactions. - Default: CAMERA

        - CAMERA : Interactions come from the camera

        - PLAYER : Interactions come from the player

Notification Options

  • Freecam Notifications - Notifies you when entering/exiting freecam. - Default: true
  • Tripod Notifications - Notifies you when entering/exiting tripod cameras. - Default: true

It's important to note that this mod offers version for both Forge and Fabric, and you can find the download links below. Make sure to read the installation instructions carefully for a smooth experience.