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Displays an item collection list on-screen, enhancing resource management and tracking for players
Pick Up Notifier is a simple yet effective mod for Minecraft players to help them keep track of their resources and items that they collect while playing. The mod displays a neat list in the bottom right corner of the player's screen whenever they collect an item, such as a resource, experience, or arrows. This list moves away after a few seconds, ensuring players don't get distracted while they are playing. Pick Up Notifier is designed to be compatible with the auto-pickup features of most backpack mods, including Forge backpacks. It also allows players to customise the list to fit their needs, such as changing the screen corner, the position, scale, and text style. Players have the option to denylist or allowlist certain items via an extensive JSON configuration file. Installation of Pick Up Notifier requires both the client and optional server components to be installed, along with PuzzlesLib for both Forge and Fabric, as well as Fabric API and Forge Config API port for Fabric. There are also options to configure the mod directly from within the game using Mod Menu by Prospector for Fabric. This useful mod was originally inspired by TeamCoFH in a very old version of their CoFH Core mod from the 1.6 era of modded Minecraft. Pick Up Notifier is the perfect mod for players looking to keep track of their collected items with ease!