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Optimizes loading times and reduces stutter for PCs with 8 or fewer threads, enhancing multitasking capabilities.
Smooth Boot (Reloaded) is an optimisation mod that has been designed to improve the loading times and reduce cursor stutter on PCs with 8 or fewer threads. It is a fork of the original Smooth Boot for 1.18.2 MCForge. This lightweight mod changes the parameters of the executors, such as the number of threads used and their priority, to reduce the number of processing tasks during loading that can overload the CPU. This allows users to benefit from faster loading time and improved multitasking capabilities compared to without the mod installed. Since the mod works seamlessly with Canary, Pluto, Saturn, and LazyDFU and has been tested with generally few issues, it's good for not only those with low-end hardware but for everyone with different benefits for different performance levels. To get more information, users can visit the wiki.