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Sophisticated Backpacks Mod

Adds customizable, upgradable backpacks with unique features, automation capabilities, and integration with other mods

Sophisticated Backpacks is an advanced upgradable backpack mod which adds a new backpack with many features not commonly found in other backpacks.

Backpacks in their item form can be accessed by pressing a specific keybinding (which is B by default)

It renders on the player when they put it in their chest slot; it is also compatible with Curios to let you wear it in the back slot designed for backpacks.

Backpacks can also be used like chests; they can be placed down with Shift+Right click and opened like a chest, and items can also be added with hoppers and pipes and other methods for some good automation. To pick it up right, click it with empty hands. Please do note, though, that making your backpack into a chest can make it more likely to be stolen.

Backpacks come in 5 tiers, Leather, Iron, Gold, Diamond, and Netherite, each adding more slots (though the number of slots and a bunch of other variables can be adjusted in the good config they have). You also get upgrade slots in better backpacks to add special abilities to your backpacks.

The config, in general, is very detailed. It lets you configure various elements such as upgrade filter slots per level, upgrades, range, speed, and hiding particular backpacks if they do not meet your needs.

Backpacks can come in many different colours. There are also multiple sections you can colour. Dye to the left to see the main colour and to the right for the accent. You are also able to combine dyes to make interesting combos. If you do not like the colours, you can wash them away with water and a cauldron.

Many upgrades can be put in the update slots we mentioned earlier. Each does various things, such as:

  • Magent: One of the best, teleports nearby items to the backpack
  • Filter: Limits what can come in and out with pipes
  • Void: Gets rid of filtered items
  • Compacting: Automatically compacts
  • Feeding: Auto Eat food when hungry
  • And More

The mod requires Sophisticated Core but has integrations with others such as Quark, Just Enough Items, Demagnetize, Curios, Crafting Tweaks, Botania and more.