Best Minecraft storage mods

Explore some of the outstanding mods for Minecraft. There is always a room to make your game more fascinating. So sit back, and flick through tons of amazing mods!

Storage Drawers 19

Storage Drawers is a mod which adds specialised storage drawers into the game. The ideas of Jabba and Bibliocraft influence it. They are compact and serve a particular æsthetic function separate

Simple Backpack 5

Expand your inventory with 27 additional slots using backbacks

BiblioCraft [Forge] 3

Enhance storage and decoration with functional furniture, display cases, bookshelves, and various creative interior design options.

Actually Additions 5

Introduces diverse crafting items, innovative tools, and enhanced automation for improved gameplay experience.

CompactStorage 9

Enhance your Minecraft storage with customizable chests, barrels, and backpacks, expandable up to 24 x 12 inventory slots

copygirl's Wearable Backpacks

Adds wearable backpacks for additional storage, replaces chestplate, share contents, and allows dye customization

Extended Drawers

Extended Drawers is a mod influenced by Storage Drawers that adds different drawers to the game with special abilities. There are multiple different kinds of drawers in the mod, both currently and in

Tom's Simple Storage 2

Tom's Simple Storage is a storage mod which adds network storage similar to Redefined Storage or AE2. Tom’s Simple Storage is not really a tech mod like the other mods, but is more vanilla t

Ring of the Enderchest 6

Light and straight to the point, this mod adds a ring that can be used to access your ender chest from a distance.This item is originally from the Gobber 2 mod, but the author has made a bunch of micr

Biblio Craft

The BiblioCraft mod adds a variety of new storage based blocks into your game. These new blocks will allow you keep your items sorted and well organized. You will now be able to place books on bookshe

Chest Transporter

Chest Transporter is a simple light-weight mod that allows you to pick an entire chest into your inventory and then carry it to place it in a different location. In order to prevent this mod from bein

Find Me 3

If you've ever played Minecraft survival, chances are that you have come across storage issues. Most survival players have the habit of building chestrooms, dedicating a good number of chests to s

Chest Tracker 5

Chest Tracker is an amazing utility mod that's gonna come handy to a lot of Minecraft survival players. If you have played survival, you know that we store items in chest. And we build areas/rooms

Locks 0

Locks is a lightweight mod that introduces universal locks that you can attach to blocks of any kind. You can use this mod to lock chests, barrels, or any other container block of that sort. You can a

EnderTanks 13

EnderTanks mod adds dimensional liquid tanks into your game. Contents of one tank can be accessed from any other tank of the same colour and network. You can use dyes on the bands of these tanks to ch

EnderChests 4

The EnderChests mod adds dimensional storage into your game. Chests of any colour can be accessed from any location, including different dimensions. This works similar to the vanilla enderchest, but w

Mouse Tweaks 29

Mouse Tweaks is a very helpful utility mod that can be used to save a ton of time and effort while dealing with inventories and while manually moving and sorting items. The mod replaces the stand

Ender Storage

Storage like never encountered before! With this new mod you will actually enjoy anf look forward to store your items and entities! EnderStorage could be a mod that grants you to store things in the l

Iron Chests

Storage availability like never before! Enjoy these new and imporved iron chests that come in all shapes and sizes ! The iron chests mod adds a variety of sizes for various metals to vanilla Minecraft

Backpacks 0

As it follows from the title, this mod adds backpacks to the game. It enables you to carry huge amount of blocks, items, food with yourself, so, now you can go to long-lasting adventures, wi