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Tom's Simple Storage is a storage mod which adds network storage similar to Redefined Storage or AE2. Tom’s Simple Storage is not really a tech mod like the other mods, but is more vanilla themed and tries to provide a simple way to do network storage, but can still be used with other tech mods. It also has the ability to hide storage blocks from potential foes in an even better way than AE2. You can create wireless and interdimensional storage networks.
Most of the items you will need are in a special creative tab specifically for Tom’s Simple Storage. The Creative Tab is labelled with a Storage Terminal, one of the 1st items you will need to get to start. You need to put a Storage Terminal and a Inventory Container. These are the 2 blocks that are most important. The Inventory Container is like the brain of your storage network. It is used to connect all the inventories together. The Storage Terminal is how you access and control your storage network. There are also Wireless Storage Terminals and Advanced Storage terminals, but those are harder to setup and do not always make a big difference. The different blocks can be connected from the Inventory Connector with Inventory Cables or Inventory Trims, which can be connected to different inventory blocks. There are also open Barrels, which spit out items and can be used for automatic configuration of many technological contraptions or for converting nearby blocks to storage blocks for your networked storage.
Storage Networks can also be connected. In order to do this you need either an Inventory Cable Connector or a filtered Inventory Cable Connector. These will let you connect you storage network with overseas locations for your storage network.
One of the top features of Tom’s Simple Storage is the ability to paint some of the items. This can be used to obfuscate some of your storage from intruders. It is a little like AE2’s carper covering system but a bit better. With the paint bucket, you are able to paint your storage blocks to look like nearby blocks, it commonly turns it into stone, which would be good for underground storage networks. One drawback is that only some blocks such as Inventory Trim and Cables can be painted, so it is important top keep this in mind when creating your storage network.
Unlike AE2 or RF and many other Network Storage mods, this one has bigger reliance on traditional chests, which can be connected to your storage network. There are not really hard drives like in Refined Storage and calling it a Storage Network is a bit of a stretch since it does not try to appear that technical.
The terminals are similar to those in RF but can also be switched with the click of a button to be closer to those of AE2 or Vanilla. The main difference between the 3 mods is the hot keys. There are also 3 different search mods, such as standard, keep, auto, and auto keep. The Search is highly customisable and possibly better than some other network storage mods. You can also sort the items in the terminal by things like name or amount and switch between ascending and decending.