Member since Sep 1, 2019
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Posts from Erik
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Когда вы установите мод Smart Moving для Minecraft 1.7.2 вы с радостью обнаружите, что ваш персонаж обучился новым движениям. Теперь он сможет: цепляться за уступы, карабкаться, ползти, нырять в прыжк
No Doze is a unique mod that has no analogues at the moment. If you notice that you have too much time to go to sleep in the game, you need to install No Doze. It allows you to avoid spending time sle
Mod "Galacticraft" adds to Minecraft a spaceship, on which you can fly to another planet. Mod "Galacticraft" allows: 1. Travel through the solar system 2. Create a spaceship 3. Explore new plane
This is a cool mod that will add new heroes and weapons to your game. From the movie Star Wars. I think you will be interested in fighting with glowing swords. Enjoy your game!!!
This wonderful mod will add to your game of realism and decorate your room. It consists of many different furniture. here you will find anything from the chair to the most global things. Enjoy your ga
Питомцы в кубическом мире обычно умеют только защищать хозяина. Мод Doggy Talents добавит дрессировку волков, которые станут похожи на собак. У них появится шкала уровней и новые умения. Искусственный