Mods for Minecraft 1.20

Discover some of the wonderful mods for Minecraft version :version. These will make your Minecraft world even more fascinating to explore by adding a whole bunch of new functionalities, items, blocks and even new landscapes.

OpenBlocks Elevator 19

The best vertical travel method! Quickly teleport between vertical heights using elevator blocks. Apply camouflage to these blocks to blend them into your build.

Immersive Structures 2

Immersive structures is a mod that adds 22 new structures to our Minecraft world.With this mod, you will be able to visit new structures in addition to the classic:airship, bee house, el dorado, train


Ventured far into the world with your friends and died? Do you struggle to catch up with the rest of the team? Worry no more, as this mod allows you to respawn beside your friends.

Portable Mobs 0

Capture and transport mobs using basic or reusable capture cells for easy creature management across your world

Zombie Horse Spawn 24

Enables zombie horses to spawn naturally in survival mode with customizable rarity settings

Diagonal Fences 7

Enables placing fences diagonally

Gaia Dimension 4

Explore a unique magical dimension with distinct visuals and features. Construct a portal to access the mystical Gaia Dimension.

Freecam 11

Experience enhanced third-person perspective with this mod, featuring versatile camera controls and extensive customization options.

Chai's Build Tools 2

Three new tools to make your building experience a lot more easier! Play around with the Wrench, Trowel and the Cloud Bucket.

Quality Sounds 1

Placing blocks now emit sound effects

A Good Place

Gives you truly immersive building experience. Smooth animations that make placing blocks visually captivating and enhance your gameplay experience.

Lithosphere 8

Push the boundaries of realistic lanscapes further than ever before. Rivers, lakes, valleys, deserts, jungles and many more beautifully crafted biomes

Katters Structures 2

Discover the magic of new villages. Explore ruined villages, shroom caves, cherry villages, and more to enhance your Minecraft world.

Mob Capturing Tool 3

Capture and transport mobs to your desired location with ease!

Sanity: Descent Into Madness 10

Introduce sanity mechanics affecting gameplay with mental health tracking, enabling immersive experiences through dynamic environmental interactions.

Reborn Core 19

Enhances modding capabilities with a versatile event system, supporting popular mods like Quantum Storage and Fluxed Redstone.

Macaw's Paintings 9

Enhance your virtual living spaces with 46 artistically crafted paintings that blend seamlessly with the vanilla aesthetic.

Presence footsteps 11

Hear the sounds of your footsteps as you walk on different surfaces. Another realistic mod that addresses sound physics of Minecraft

FreeCam by Zergatul 6

Provides a detached camera mode for unrestricted exploration and screenshot capture in survival, with clipping through blocks.

FerriteCore 9

Optimizes memory usage and Garbage Collection routines for smoother gameplay and significant memory savings in Minecraft.