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Nature Arise Mod

From chilling ice caves to dark marshlands... Explore new biomes and geodes. Play around with new wood variants and more!

The vanilla game offers plenty of biomes to explore. But many of them have been in the game for a very long time and players have grown bored of exploring the same old biomes over and over again. It is time that a change is brought. The Nature Arise mod is here with the change.

This is a world generation mod that introduces a variety of new biomes, world generation features and blocks into the game.

From warm boreal forests to chilling ice caves, Nature Arise introduces a collection of eleven new biomes into the game. Some of these biomes have their own new tree types, which can then be cut by the player to obtain some new wood types introduced by the mod.

Each biome has their own unique features that make them one better than the other. The color variations and features sure do help add variety to your world. The mod also introduces two new geode variants - sapphire and topaz. With the vanilla amethyst geodes, this makes up a total of three geode variants in your game.

With the introduction of new wood types, comes the variety of different items that can be crafted with it. All of the new wood variants have their own logs, which can then be crafted into planks, doors, trapdoors, buttons, pressure plates, boats, signs, etc.

Nature Arise is a must-have for any player that would like to see some variety to the biomes in their game. This mod requires TerraBlender as a required dependency.