Mods for Minecraft 1.5.2

Discover some of the wonderful mods for Minecraft version :version. These will make your Minecraft world even more fascinating to explore by adding a whole bunch of new functionalities, items, blocks and even new landscapes.

MixerLogger 41

This is a tool used for debugging modpacks which scans your mods for mods which have annotations associated with common Mixer APIs such as SpongeMixin, Tuna-Bytes (soon), PizzaMixin(soon), and AssistMixer(soon) as well as some Aspect Orientated Programming APIs. For all the files that meet these criterias, it lists the name, the jar file it is in, the known targets (except for ones which do not specify the targets in the file itself like AssistMixer), the Class References, the Method References, and the Field References, with the possibility to add even more information in the future. On launchers which support System.out.println it will show the information in the console, the logs are also saved in (.)minecraft/logs/MixerLogger.log so you can access it. This is helpful if you are making a very large modpack and one of these breaks the game, this will allow you to have a better idea where it can be coming from. It loads itself before or during SpongeMixin or similar tools in most cases. The code for this is largelly loader independent meaning with a basic entrypoint it can be supported on most loaders and even most games in Java. Same Jar is used in more than 1 loader. Should work with Abstraction layer mods like Special Compatibility Operation, NeoFromTheMatrix, or Sintrya Connector just fine.The logs will be a tiny bit hard to read, but ideally anyone who is using this will be using ⌘+F or Ctrl+F to find specific peices of information. An example of a individual mixer class's info is as followsClass Name: net.fabricmc.fabric.mixin.client.model.BakedModelManagerMixinTargets: [net.minecraft.class_1092]ClassRef: [net.minecraft.class_1087, org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Mixin, java.util.Map, net.minecraft.class_1092, net.fabricmc.api.Environment, net.fabricmc.fabric.mixin.client.model.BakedModelManagerMixin, net.fabricmc.api.EnvType, org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Shadow, java.lang.Object, net.fabricmc.fabric.impl.client.model.BakedModelManagerHooks, net.minecraft.class_2960]MethodRef: [java.util.Map.get(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]FieldRef: [net.fabricmc.fabric.mixin.client.model.BakedModelManagerMixin.field_5408:Ljava/util/Map;]Originating JAR: fabric-api-0.75.1+1.19.2.jar-------------------- But it can be more daunting for much larger ones LimitationsAt the moment only Sponge Mixin is supported but others are soon planned and we also plan to list more info about modified methods and RefMap parsing. This also only goes 1 level deep for nested jars and javassist is bundled (which could conflict with a few mods but most other mods run AFTER this one so you would already have your information by the time such package conflict could happen). This only scans existing Mixer classes not ones created during runtime. This can make the game possibly unstable and also makes the game take longer to load so if you are not using it I would not suggest keeping it in your mods folder. Also atm only the folder called "mods" is supported but this will change. Platform support.FeatureCreepFeatureCreep 4.0 Pre Release 18 will come with this built in but it will need to be enabled in the FeatureCreep config (in the etc directory in your Minecraft Folder). However this jar supports FeatureCreep 4 Pre Release 17 to an extent if not being run on one of the other mentioned platforms. If you are on MCForge and have FeatureCreep this mod will confict due to both having the same packages at least on 1.17 due to Module changes. On platforms which do not come with SpongeMixin or a supported mixer it will need to be installed normally. The FeatureCreep built-in version will be the best maintained. The Pre-17 and earlier version of the mod will duplicate on Pre-18 or newer and is generally unsupported. Works on games outside of Minecraft written in Java and can be used on other loaders like LiteLoader and Rift and NeoForge and possibly older versions of MC Forge if FeatureCreep is installed. MinecraftForgeShould work on 1.17+, 1.16.5 and earlier has changes in the ITransformationService making it hard to do in the same file. FabricMCShould work on any version and in non-Minecraft games. May work on QuiltMC and other FabricMC derivatives but it is untested. Legacy and Cursed Legacy Fabric should also work. 

BiblioCraft [Forge] 3

BiblioCraft offers content designed to improve the efficiency of storage, as well as provide creative solutions for decorating our buildings. The mod includes numerous storage solutions, such as bookshelves, display cases and shelves, as well as decorative and functional furniture, such as* Tables* Stools* Armchairs* Mannequins* Weapon pedestals* Lamps.This tool provides us with a great number of options for interior and exterior design while at the same time allowing us to organise our possessions efficiently. If you would like to obtain more information about BiblioCraft, there is a Wiki.

The Twilight Forest 8

Welcome to the Twilight Forest, an extraordinary dimension exploration mod that will take you on a thrilling adventure like no other. This mod offers an immersive experience that will leave you captivated. In this post, we will delve into the key features of this mod and why it's a must-try for any Minecraft enthusiast.Fully Fledged Dungeons: Prepare yourself for epic dungeon crawling like never before. The Twilight Forest introduces a wide variety of meticulously designed dungeons, each with its own unique challenges and rewards. From ancient ruins to hidden strongholds, these dungeons will test your wit, agility, and combat skills. Explore their depths, solve puzzles, and face formidable foes as you strive to conquer these treacherous labyrinths.Varied Boss Battles with Elaborate Mechanics: If you're craving epic boss fights, the Twilight Forest has you covered. Encounter mighty creatures with awe-inspiring abilities and strategize to defeat them. Each boss battle presents a different set of mechanics, requiring you to adapt your tactics and exploit their weaknesses. These exhilarating encounters will keep you on the edge of your seat and provide a true test of your skills.Treasure and Loot with Unique Traits and Functions: One of the highlights of the Twilight Forest is the abundance of valuable treasures and loot that await your discovery. From enchanted weapons and armor to magical artifacts, each item possesses unique traits and functions that can enhance your gameplay. Collecting and utilizing these powerful items will not only make your journey easier but also unlock new possibilities within the mod.Street Cred; OG 2011 Modding Represent! The Twilight Forest mod has a rich history dating back to 2011 when it first emerged as a groundbreaking addition to Minecraft modding. Since then, it has continuously evolved, captivating players with its innovative features and engaging gameplay. The fact that it has stood the test of time and continues to be actively developed speaks volumes about its enduring popularity and quality.Ongoing Development: The Twilight Forest is a labor of love, and its development team is dedicated to constantly improving and expanding the mod. With regular updates and new content, you can expect fresh experiences and surprises, ensuring that the Twilight Forest remains a dynamic and ever-evolving dimension within Minecraft.How to Build a Twilight Portal ?Materials Needed:Grass, Dirt, Podzol, Mycelium, or any other block suitable for the frameFlowers, mushrooms, leaves, plants, or any other decorative blocks for the top of the grassWater buckets or any other means to fill the frame with waterStep 1: Choose a Location Select a suitable location in your Minecraft world where you want to construct the Twilight Forest portal. Keep in mind that the portal can be any shape or size you desire.Step 2: Clear the Area Clear the area of any obstructions, such as trees, rocks, or existing structures, to make space for your portal.Step 3: Construct the Frame Begin by placing blocks of Grass, Dirt, Podzol, Mycelium, or any other approved block material to create the frame of the portal. You can shape the frame in any configuration you like, as long as it meets the minimum size requirement shown in the image provided.Step 4: Decorate the Top On top of the grass blocks within the frame, add flowers, mushrooms, leaves, plants, or any other decorative blocks of your choice. This will add visual appeal to the portal and help fulfill the second condition.Step 5: Fill the Frame with Water Now, it's time to fill the entire frame with water. Start by placing a water source block in one corner of the portal frame and let it flow naturally to fill the entire frame. Alternatively, you can use water buckets to manually fill the frame until it is completely filled with water. Ensure that there are no gaps or dry spots within the frame.Step 6: Activate the Portal by throwing a diamond into the water. The portal should now activate, emitting a shimmering effect and opening a passage to the Twilight Forest dimension.This mod can further be enhanced by using the following mods to enable better looking trees into your game :Dynamic TreesDynamic Trees - The Twilight ForestIf you're ready to embark on an unforgettable journey, the Twilight Forest mod is waiting to transport you to a world brimming with adventure. Immerse yourself in fully-fledged dungeons, engage in thrilling boss battles, and discover unique treasures that will enhance your gameplay. This is a Forge mod and download links are given below.

Fabric Language Kotlin 35

Fabric Language Kotlin is one of the many Fabric Language adapters for Kotlin. Language adapters let you write mods in programming languages other than pure Java (often but not always JVM-based languages). There are many big Fabric mods which use Kotlin includingAdorn    Inventory Tweaks    AE Additions – ExtraCells2 ForkBountiful DeftuLib    Hex     Casting   Industrial     Revolution    Inventerio   Kambrik    Lakeside    LibrarianLib    Level Up HP MirageFairy2023    Ping Wheel    Plethora Peripherals    Roughly Enough Trades    Roughly Enough Loot Tables    RSWires    TerrarianSlimes    Woods and MiresZoomify and many more. Kotlin is primarily a JVM-based programming language like Groovy or Scala and is in many ways considered a newer Scala (though Scala is still being developed), though it does not only compile to JVM, it can also compile to native or to JavaScript or even its own bytecode format. Fabric Language Kotlin is meant to be used with the JVM variant though.Kotlin as mentioned before has some in common with Scala and a little in common with Crystal. Kotlin Language is a must-use for many people, many people really like it, while others do not. One issue you have is if you use Kotlin you may have compatibility issues with lesser-known tool chains that you may port your mod too. But if you want to use Kotlin because you prefer it you can use this language adapter. There are reasons to prefer Kotlin if you like some of the features or if you want to also do things like Android development (which has recently started to recommend Kotlin over Java which it had previously). If you use Kotlin it is suggested you use IntelliJ because they are made by the same company and eclipse does not have quite as good of support for it.For players, you should be able to just install the mod in your mods folder. If you are a developer you will need to take extra steps and requires the user already know a little bit about using Kotlin with Gradle (but Groovy DSL can still be used unless you want Kotlin DSL). FabricMC has a tutorial which can be used with basic instructions about getting started. Fabric Language Kotlin does not rely on any specific version of Minecraft, just on Fabric loader.

Lava Monsters 8

The Lava Monsters mod adds a hostile mob that spawns in lava. This is the Lava Monster mod and it spits fireballs at you. Click on the video below to watch a showcase of the mod.This is a Forge mod. The download links given below will take you to the official curseforge files page from where you can download your required version of the mod.

Mouse Tweaks 29

Mouse Tweaks is a very helpful utility mod that can be used to save a ton of time and effort while dealing with inventories and while manually moving and sorting items. The mod replaces the standard right mouse button dragging mechanic, and adds two new left mouse button dragging mechanics. It also adds the ability to use the mouse wheel to quickly move items. If you hold the right mouse button and hover an item stack over an empty slot, an item will put into the slot. In vanilla, only one item will be put into a slot, but with this mod installed, you can hover over a slot for the second time to add more items. Next, you select an item and drag it across the inventory while holding left click and all items of the same type will be picked up. And there's more. You can tweak all of these behaviours to liking using the configs.This mod offers versions for both Forge and Fabric. The download links given below will lead you to the official curseforge downloads page and you can download your required mod version. You can find more info regarding the configs and setting there too.

Explorer's Compass 28

Explorer's Compass adds one new item into your game. This is a compass that you can craft using four cobwebs, four cracked stone bricks and a regular compass. This new compass, called the "Explorer's Compass", will help you locate structures around your Minecraft world. First, you have to hold an explorer's compass in your hand and right click. This will open a GUI that shows you a list of all of the structures in game. The list will also include structures added by mods(if any). From this list, you can left click a structure to select it and simply press the "Start Search" button to start a search operation that will locate the selected structure that's nearest to you and display it's coordinates. You also have an option to teleport to the structure once it's been located.This mod offers versions for both Forge and Fabric. The download links given below will lead you to the official curseforge files page, from where you can download your required mod version.

Controlling 28

Controlling is a great utility mod that gives you the ability to easily find keybinds and fix keybinds that conflict with one another. The mod has over 80 Million downloads and offers versions for both the Forge and Fabric modloaders. This mod will prove useful in a modded scenario where you have to set keybinds for various features that are added by mods and this will help you save a ton of time. You will have the ability to sort your control keybinds, show only conflicting keybinds or show only unbounded keybinds. The links given below will take you to the official official curseforge files page, from where you can download your required mod version for the modloader of your choice.

Ice Mountains World Type

Minecraft, as is, is an already amazing world to discover, so what's better than already there astonishing ice mountains that make the world look even better?? If you're playing Minecraft and want something entirely different in your surroundings, this mod can assist. Add an Ice Mountain or an Ice Island to see what new things you can accomplish.Please bear in mind that certain locations are experimental and should only be used by experienced gamers.In the most recent versions of this mod, two additional planet kinds have been included. Both have a similar idea, but they produce the landscape in quite distinct ways.-IceMountains: -Old Ice Mountains (IceMountains): -Old Ice Mountains (IceMountain The terrain generation in its previous incarnation. It isn't very ornate. But, in order to avoid chucking it out the window, I decided to keep it in the mod. This version does not include any erosion simulations. It simply consists of three overlapping perlin noise functions. Known issue: Mountains can grow taller than 256 blocks, causing them to be cut off.-Ice Mountains (IceMountainsE): The terrain generation has been updated. Expect to wait roughly 3 minutes if you start a new planet with a new seed. It will create four heightmaps, each covering a 4096x4096 block region. The landscape will be produced swiftly inside that region. It isn't a flaw. To adequately model erosion, a vast region must be considered at the same time. As a result, chunk-by-chunk creation is no longer feasible, as it was in the previous version. However, that should not discourage you from playing on that world type. There are not many biomes yet. So far only forests, swamps, oceans and of course the ice mountains.

Chisel Mod 7

Build and amaze! Nowadays Minecraft has plenty of blocks builders use to build and decorate their builds, but still... a few more wouldn't hurt us right? Chisel Mod is a mod that introduces new tools to the game... can you guess what? Chisels!These tools will let players choose a block to chisel and then choose the shape they want to give to the block. There are a lot of blocks to chisel and a lot of different patterns we can give them. With this mod, decorating walls and floors will be incrediby easy! If you love building, you'll love this mod too. Also, if you combine it with other building mods, your builds will never be the same! Ready to become a builder god? You can read more about the mod in its wiki:  

Flan’s Simple Parts Pack 2

 Flan’s Simple Parts Pack-необходимое дополнение к Flan`s Mod которое позволит вам использовать потрясающие контент паки от Flan`s. Скачая его вы сможете загрузить и использовать в своей игре контент паки от Flan`s которые добавят в вашу игру ловкие истребители, огромные лайнеры, самолеты бомбардиры, предназначенные для большого количества игроков, мореходные суда, огромный ряд вертолетов, военные и гражданские, танки как времен второй мировой войны так и современные, тяжелые военные машины типа Hummer, роскошные спорткары и машины представительского класса, огромный ряд оружия, для еденичных целей а также для массового поражения, также они добавят вам роботов. 

Archimedes' Ships

Tired of going on long trips, swim across oceans, conquer mountains and forests? Meet Archimedes' Ships mod, which will give you a great opportunity to create custom ship and launch it. Now you can build your own ship and sail/fly on it. To do this, put the ship's steering wheel and hit the road! To travel with a friend on the ship, put the seat. Also don't forget to click on the additional links to get more information about the mod. I recommend to install the mod Craftguide to view crafting recipes.