Mods for Minecraft 1.14.2

Discover some of the wonderful mods for Minecraft version :version. These will make your Minecraft world even more fascinating to explore by adding a whole bunch of new functionalities, items, blocks and even new landscapes.

MixerLogger 41

This is a tool used for debugging modpacks which scans your mods for mods which have annotations associated with common Mixer APIs such as SpongeMixin, Tuna-Bytes (soon), PizzaMixin(soon), and AssistMixer(soon) as well as some Aspect Orientated Programming APIs. For all the files that meet these criterias, it lists the name, the jar file it is in, the known targets (except for ones which do not specify the targets in the file itself like AssistMixer), the Class References, the Method References, and the Field References, with the possibility to add even more information in the future. On launchers which support System.out.println it will show the information in the console, the logs are also saved in (.)minecraft/logs/MixerLogger.log so you can access it. This is helpful if you are making a very large modpack and one of these breaks the game, this will allow you to have a better idea where it can be coming from. It loads itself before or during SpongeMixin or similar tools in most cases. The code for this is largelly loader independent meaning with a basic entrypoint it can be supported on most loaders and even most games in Java. Same Jar is used in more than 1 loader. Should work with Abstraction layer mods like Special Compatibility Operation, NeoFromTheMatrix, or Sintrya Connector just fine.The logs will be a tiny bit hard to read, but ideally anyone who is using this will be using ⌘+F or Ctrl+F to find specific peices of information. An example of a individual mixer class's info is as followsClass Name: net.fabricmc.fabric.mixin.client.model.BakedModelManagerMixinTargets: [net.minecraft.class_1092]ClassRef: [net.minecraft.class_1087, org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Mixin, java.util.Map, net.minecraft.class_1092, net.fabricmc.api.Environment, net.fabricmc.fabric.mixin.client.model.BakedModelManagerMixin, net.fabricmc.api.EnvType, org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Shadow, java.lang.Object, net.fabricmc.fabric.impl.client.model.BakedModelManagerHooks, net.minecraft.class_2960]MethodRef: [java.util.Map.get(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]FieldRef: [net.fabricmc.fabric.mixin.client.model.BakedModelManagerMixin.field_5408:Ljava/util/Map;]Originating JAR: fabric-api-0.75.1+1.19.2.jar-------------------- But it can be more daunting for much larger ones LimitationsAt the moment only Sponge Mixin is supported but others are soon planned and we also plan to list more info about modified methods and RefMap parsing. This also only goes 1 level deep for nested jars and javassist is bundled (which could conflict with a few mods but most other mods run AFTER this one so you would already have your information by the time such package conflict could happen). This only scans existing Mixer classes not ones created during runtime. This can make the game possibly unstable and also makes the game take longer to load so if you are not using it I would not suggest keeping it in your mods folder. Also atm only the folder called "mods" is supported but this will change. Platform support.FeatureCreepFeatureCreep 4.0 Pre Release 18 will come with this built in but it will need to be enabled in the FeatureCreep config (in the etc directory in your Minecraft Folder). However this jar supports FeatureCreep 4 Pre Release 17 to an extent if not being run on one of the other mentioned platforms. If you are on MCForge and have FeatureCreep this mod will confict due to both having the same packages at least on 1.17 due to Module changes. On platforms which do not come with SpongeMixin or a supported mixer it will need to be installed normally. The FeatureCreep built-in version will be the best maintained. The Pre-17 and earlier version of the mod will duplicate on Pre-18 or newer and is generally unsupported. Works on games outside of Minecraft written in Java and can be used on other loaders like LiteLoader and Rift and NeoForge and possibly older versions of MC Forge if FeatureCreep is installed. MinecraftForgeShould work on 1.17+, 1.16.5 and earlier has changes in the ITransformationService making it hard to do in the same file. FabricMCShould work on any version and in non-Minecraft games. May work on QuiltMC and other FabricMC derivatives but it is untested. Legacy and Cursed Legacy Fabric should also work. 

Optifine Latest 27

Optifine is a free, highly popular, and powerful mod for Minecraft developed by sp614x. Its primary mission is to enhance the game's performance by optimizing its code and providing players with numerous graphical customization options. Since its release, Optifine has become a staple for many Minecraft players, regardless of their hardware's capabilities, as it dramatically improves frame rates and reduces lag.FPS Boost: By fine-tuning the rendering engine, Optifine boosts the frames per second (FPS), leading to a smoother gaming experience. This is especially beneficial for players with lower-end computers or laptops, as it allows them to play Minecraft without frustrating lags or choppy frame rates. Configurable Settings: Optifine grants players the ability to customize the game's visual settings according to their hardware specifications. Users can adjust details like render distance, texture quality, smooth lighting, and particles, tailoring the experience to suit their preferences while maintaining a balanced performance. The Beauty of Shaders: Beyond its performance-enhancing features, Optifine is renowned for unlocking the true beauty of Minecraft through shaders. Shaders are graphical packages that introduce stunning visual effects, turning the game into a captivating work of art. With Optifine installed, players can seamlessly use various shader packs and immerse themselves in a whole new world of aesthetic splendor.Simply follow the download links provided below.

FastLeafDecay 28

Introducing a remarkable server-side mod designed to eliminate annoying and bad looking airborne leaves effectively! The FastLeafDecay mod expedites leaf decay immediately following tree wood removal. By default, within a mere five seconds, all leaves will vanish, providing a seamless gaming experience. Try this unparalleled modification today and bid farewell to those annoying floating leaves for good!Welcome to the world of Forge mods! To embark on your journey, we provide download links below for your convenience. Ensure a smooth installation process by following the installation instructions diligently to avoid any errors  

Zombie Horse Spawn 24

Zombie Horses have existed in the game for a very very long time, but have you ever seen one in your survival world? I bet you haven't. Because these horses do not spawn naturally in vanilla survival Minecraft. To summon them, you have to either rely on commands or use spawn eggs. These Zombie Horses are one of the fastest modes of transport in the game and they do not even need to be tamed. It's a shame that they cannot be obtained in survival mode.With the Zombie Horse Spawn mod, you can tweak your game so that these horses spawn naturally in survival mode. And even with this mod installed, the chances of coming across one is very less. Their rarity can be tweaked in the config file.Take a look at the screenshots to see what you can expect from this mod. This is a Forge mod and download links are given below. Read the installation instructions CAREFULLY to avoid any errors.

Mystical Wildlife 1

Mystical Wildlife is an amazing mod that introduces a range of mythical animals to your Minecraft world, making the game even more fascinating and captivating. This mod adds a variety of creatures with unique models and sounds, such as giant beetles and furry lizards, to diversify the wildlife from one biome to another. What makes this mod so interesting is the way the creatures are distributed throughout different biomes, giving each location a distinct feel. Furthermore, all of these creatures can be bred like domestic animals, and players can acquire additional resources by brushing some of the animals with the newly added tool, the Brush. If you are looking for an extraordinary Minecraft experience with more wildlife variety, then this mod is a must-try. So, what are you waiting for? Add Mystical Wildlife to your game and start exploring a world filled with mythical creatures.

BisectHosting Server Integration Menu 21

BisectHosting Server Integration Menu is a mod which allows you to quickly startup a Minecraft server with BisectHosting directly within Minecraft Itself. BisectHosting is a popular Minecraft Server host which is commonly sponsoring various Minecraft mods and helping the community. They like some other Minecraft server hosts (like CreeperHost), have various mods to work with the game, however theirs may be one of the easiest to quickly startup a server with. The mod is mostly for Modpack developers to do advertising with rather than a tool that is actually useful for players. When you go to the multiplayer screen you will see a section at the top that says Need a server? Clicking on this fills out a screen that makes you select a pre-existing modpack from a platform or a loader and then lets you fill out information about the specs you need and brings you to the bisect hosting checkout page. This can also fill out a config file. The ideal way to do this is if you are a modpack maker you will go to the config, and in MC Forge go to config/bhmenu-client.toml or on FabricMC /config/bhmenu/ and then fill out the info about the Title and Description and the Partner ID (which can be found at the console) and the Modpack ID (which can also be found at the console). Filling this config out makes it easier for a player of a modpack to just click on the link and automatically have the ability to have the pack selected. The bisect hosting mod does not appear to just let you upload your existing playset to the plan automatically but rather as just a way to get a new server with an existing modpack which making it more of an option for affiliates to put in their modpacks than a tool for players to actually use (at the end of the day you just end up back on their website). BisectHosting is known for their advertising and sponsorships, they are the Raid: Shadow Legends of Minecraft modding, they advertise a lot. Their prices are not too good, you would be better off going for something like SparkedHost if you cared about price, but if you want to support creators BisectHosting could be a good option if you use the creator’s code. Using a creator’s code can also get you a discount in the beginning.

Genetic Animals 13

The Genetic Animals mod introduces a new level of realism to Minecraft by adding an endless variety of genetic variations to domesticated animals such as sheep, cows, pigs, rabbits, chickens, llamas, turtles, axolotls, and even mooblooms.Each animal has unique layering texture variations and a set of animations that make them feel like they belong in Minecraft. With this mod, players can enjoy a more immersive and diverse experience as they explore and interact with the game's animal population.

Lycanite 6

Lycanite Mobs is a mod that adds a whole new level of excitement to the world of Minecraft. With over 100 new mobs, this mod transforms the game into a thrilling adventure. The new mobs are specific to certain biomes and dimensions, making exploration even more exciting and diverse. With so many new mobs to encounter, players will have to be on their guard at all times. Some of these creatures are incredibly strong and will require strategy to defeat. But the rewards for defeating them are valuable, making the challenge well worth it. Lycanite Mobs is a great addition to any Minecraft player's game. With its diverse range of new mobs, this mod breathes new life into the game, making exploration even more thrilling and rewarding.

Wyrmroost 1

Wyrmroost is a Minecraft mod that introduces a wide variety of dragons to the game, each with its unique abilities and characteristics. Players can tame and train these dragons to serve different purposes, including combat, transportation, and farming.One of the key features of Wyrmroost is its diverse range of dragons. Each dragon has its strengths and weaknesses, making them suited to specific tasks. Some dragons are excellent for combat, while others are better suited for transportation. There are also dragons that can help with farming and resource gathering.However, taming a dragon is no easy feat. It requires hard work, dedication, and patience, depending on the dragon and situation. Players will need to gain the trust of the dragon and learn how to care for it properly to ensure it remains loyal.

Cardinal Components 15

Cardinal Components API is an API which is used to attach data to objects to help interact with various parts of the game. This can help make mod creation easier and the mods more compatible. Not only can this be used for new things but you are also able to attach it to vanilla classes to make more changes. Your data will automatically save once implements and there is a helper interface to help with the data. The API by itself is very customisable and lightweight and uses ASM-generated extensions for some of the tweaks. There is a wiki, a GitHub, and lots of Javadoc to help developers use the mod. For players, the mod does not do anything on the surface, but is required for some mods to run, and pre-bundled in many other mods. Some mods which use Cardinal Components are:Age of ExileAir  HopAncient PuzzlesAnti  Mob FarmAstromineBag     of holdingBewitchmentBlack  HoleBosses  of Mass DestructionCodeLyoko: LegacyCraftable Utilities Death  FinderDon’t  SleepDungeons  of ExileEasy Shulker BoxesEldritch MobsEman’s Dynamic DifficultyFat ChickenHex  CastingHexalImmortalityLibrary of ExileLinking  BooksMCDoomMiskatonic MysteriesMorelotasNumismatic  OverhaulPublic GUI AnnouncementSomnia AwokenTargetingAPIThe BumblezoneTraveler’s BackpackTropicraft: An Unofficial UpdateAnd Many moreMany mods on Fabric or Quilt require Cardinal, but some mods bundle it Jar in Jar or other formats so you do not always need to install it manually. For developers, the wiki comes with lots of useful information about developing with it, but so far the mod is only for Fabric and its derivatives so you will need to change your code if you also want to work on MC Forge. The mod is commonly used for configs.

Clickable advancements[Forge/Fabric] 9

Clickable advancements[Forge/Fabric] is a mod which makes it so when you can an achievement/advancement you are able to click on it in the chat and go to the screen.In the vanilla game, despite the achievement notification looking like it would be clickable and the text in the chat looking like it would be clickable, they are not, so if you go to click on them nothing happens, this can be especially bad if you do not know where to look or wanted to know what the achievement is for or what you can do next and which can be even worse when a modpack you are playing has multiple achievement trees.This mod allows you to click on the achievement links in the chat, when you get an achievement you will often get a chat message telling you about it, and the chat message will often have the name of the achievement in a colour such as green. This is what you click and get there. Sadly the notification still does not seem clickable by default, but the chat message is often better anyhow as it stays for longer instead of disappearing after a few seconds as the notification does. By default there are some achievements which are not shown in the chat by default, this enables most of them to show in chat in the config, but the setting often needs to be turned on manually.This is a very good addition for many modpacks especially kitchen sink modpacks which add a lot of mods without a central theme which can be hard for some to navigate even with advancements. Often in modpacks advancements are ignored, partly because of their inaccessibility, but this lowers it just a little bit making it just a little easier to see the advancements, though it is not always worth the time to see every advancement though.

Inventory Profiles Next 15

Inventory Profiles Next is an inventory sorting mod that provides a button in your inventory for helping you do various sorting tasks. Here is an explanation of what many of the buttons do and their locations in the Inventory Graphical User Interface.Overlay     Configuration Screen – Found on the top Left by default and lets     you change many settings and even see some of the in-game code class     names.General     Configuration Screen – Found directly under the Overlay     Configuration Screen is where you go to edit most of the stuff about     the mod including text files, sort orders, and many more. The mod is     extremely configurable.Sort     Inventory Button – Looks like a Z, found in a set of 3 buttons     found in inventories and it helps you sort the items in order     without gaps. Does not affect items in the HUD barSort     Inventory in Columns – Next to the Sort Inventory Button, it sorts     related items such as different types of stone-related blocks in     columns. Does not affect items in the HUD bar.Sort     Inventory in Rows – Next to the Column sort, but does in rows,     though has a weird layout sometimes. Does not affect items in the     HUD bar.On the chests next to the last 3 buttons you should see another icon that gives you keyboard shortcuts. Keyboard shortcuts can be configured and are mainly used for these things:Ability     to also include the Hotbar/Hud Bar in movingOnly     fill the chest up enough to fill existing stacks without creating     new ones   Move     only the same type of items as the type selected (some arrow-based     mods do this with an Arrow Click) Move     all Items into the chestThe keyboard shortcuts can be quite useful for some stuff, though in some ways better Buttons could be better like they have in Wurst for chests, the keyboard is often faster though, but harder to remember for some.The mod is highly configurable and uses libIPN for a lot of the config and has a great and very detailed GUI config screen to configure many of the smallest details with good visuals, it is more detailed than average GUI config systems.There are also many other things the mod can do such as replacing almost broken tools and locking item slots. The mod is client-side only and does not need to be installed on the server to work.It is important to note that this mod does not do everything done by inventory tweaks and it is either recommended you install them together to get both of the functionalities or install InvTweaks Emu for IPN to emulate many of the shortcuts. There is also a mod called IPN Rejects which is an addon which adds things that the author decided not to include in the base mod. The mod also highlights items you are hovering over green or items that would be included in an operation you are doing that involves multiple similar items.Requires libIPN and Fabric Language Kotlin.