Mods for Minecraft 1.12.2

Discover some of the wonderful mods for Minecraft version :version. These will make your Minecraft world even more fascinating to explore by adding a whole bunch of new functionalities, items, blocks and even new landscapes.

MixerLogger 41

This is a tool used for debugging modpacks which scans your mods for mods which have annotations associated with common Mixer APIs such as SpongeMixin, Tuna-Bytes (soon), PizzaMixin(soon), and AssistMixer(soon) as well as some Aspect Orientated Programming APIs. For all the files that meet these criterias, it lists the name, the jar file it is in, the known targets (except for ones which do not specify the targets in the file itself like AssistMixer), the Class References, the Method References, and the Field References, with the possibility to add even more information in the future. On launchers which support System.out.println it will show the information in the console, the logs are also saved in (.)minecraft/logs/MixerLogger.log so you can access it. This is helpful if you are making a very large modpack and one of these breaks the game, this will allow you to have a better idea where it can be coming from. It loads itself before or during SpongeMixin or similar tools in most cases. The code for this is largelly loader independent meaning with a basic entrypoint it can be supported on most loaders and even most games in Java. Same Jar is used in more than 1 loader. Should work with Abstraction layer mods like Special Compatibility Operation, NeoFromTheMatrix, or Sintrya Connector just fine.The logs will be a tiny bit hard to read, but ideally anyone who is using this will be using ⌘+F or Ctrl+F to find specific peices of information. An example of a individual mixer class's info is as followsClass Name: net.fabricmc.fabric.mixin.client.model.BakedModelManagerMixinTargets: [net.minecraft.class_1092]ClassRef: [net.minecraft.class_1087, org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Mixin, java.util.Map, net.minecraft.class_1092, net.fabricmc.api.Environment, net.fabricmc.fabric.mixin.client.model.BakedModelManagerMixin, net.fabricmc.api.EnvType, org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Shadow, java.lang.Object, net.fabricmc.fabric.impl.client.model.BakedModelManagerHooks, net.minecraft.class_2960]MethodRef: [java.util.Map.get(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]FieldRef: [net.fabricmc.fabric.mixin.client.model.BakedModelManagerMixin.field_5408:Ljava/util/Map;]Originating JAR: fabric-api-0.75.1+1.19.2.jar-------------------- But it can be more daunting for much larger ones LimitationsAt the moment only Sponge Mixin is supported but others are soon planned and we also plan to list more info about modified methods and RefMap parsing. This also only goes 1 level deep for nested jars and javassist is bundled (which could conflict with a few mods but most other mods run AFTER this one so you would already have your information by the time such package conflict could happen). This only scans existing Mixer classes not ones created during runtime. This can make the game possibly unstable and also makes the game take longer to load so if you are not using it I would not suggest keeping it in your mods folder. Also atm only the folder called "mods" is supported but this will change. Platform support.FeatureCreepFeatureCreep 4.0 Pre Release 18 will come with this built in but it will need to be enabled in the FeatureCreep config (in the etc directory in your Minecraft Folder). However this jar supports FeatureCreep 4 Pre Release 17 to an extent if not being run on one of the other mentioned platforms. If you are on MCForge and have FeatureCreep this mod will confict due to both having the same packages at least on 1.17 due to Module changes. On platforms which do not come with SpongeMixin or a supported mixer it will need to be installed normally. The FeatureCreep built-in version will be the best maintained. The Pre-17 and earlier version of the mod will duplicate on Pre-18 or newer and is generally unsupported. Works on games outside of Minecraft written in Java and can be used on other loaders like LiteLoader and Rift and NeoForge and possibly older versions of MC Forge if FeatureCreep is installed. MinecraftForgeShould work on 1.17+, 1.16.5 and earlier has changes in the ITransformationService making it hard to do in the same file. FabricMCShould work on any version and in non-Minecraft games. May work on QuiltMC and other FabricMC derivatives but it is untested. Legacy and Cursed Legacy Fabric should also work. 

Crafting Mania

A good number of items in Minecraft does not have a crafting recipe. Obtaining some of these items in the survival game may be a bit difficult and tiresome. But what if these items could be crafted using simple items that are relatively easy to obtain? That is exactly what the Crafting Mania mod does. This mod adds a bunch of crafting recipes into Minecraft. These recipes are for items like spawners, horse armor, saddles and even elytras.It is highly recommended to use the Just Enough Items mod alongside Crafting Mania for your convenience. This combination will allow you to use the mod to it's full potential.You can find the download links for this mod below. Make sure to read the installation instructions carefully for a smooth experience.

Reborn Core 19

Reborn Core is a library mod used in many of Tech Reborn developers' mods. It incorporates a robust event system, enabling modders to create dynamic and interactive content. Some of their most popular mods that depend on Reborn Core include Quantum Storage, Fluxed Redstone, Hardcore Map Reset and more.Note that Reborn Core for 1.14+ versions use Fabric and therefore they require Fabric API to function. Download links for this library mod are given below.

BiblioCraft [Forge] 3

BiblioCraft offers content designed to improve the efficiency of storage, as well as provide creative solutions for decorating our buildings. The mod includes numerous storage solutions, such as bookshelves, display cases and shelves, as well as decorative and functional furniture, such as* Tables* Stools* Armchairs* Mannequins* Weapon pedestals* Lamps.This tool provides us with a great number of options for interior and exterior design while at the same time allowing us to organise our possessions efficiently. If you would like to obtain more information about BiblioCraft, there is a Wiki.

Macaw's Paintings 9

Having received an overwhelming number of likes and praise for their previous decoration mods, the mod developer Macaw has been inspired to explore a brand new direction - paintings!  The paintings showcased in this mod are the exceptional work of a talented artist named Peachy. With keen attention to detail and a unique artistic flair, Peachy's creations offer a seamless integration into the vanilla style of the game, making them an ideal addition to any virtual living space. A total of 46 captivating paintings have been carefully curated for this collection.Please take a look at the screenshots to get an idea of what you can expect from this mod. It's important to note that this is a Forge mod, and you can find the download links below. Make sure to read the installation instructions carefully for a smooth experience.

Gaia Dimension 4

The Gaia Dimension mod introduces you to a new dimension of magic. At first glance, it may look like your typical overworld with a different colour palette. But the more you explore, the more you'll realize how different it is. Let us take a look at how you can reach the Gaia Dimension and some of the interesting features of the new dimension.To travel to the Gaia Dimension, you need to build a Gaia Portal.How to Build a Gaia Portal ?Materials needed:RedstoneLapis LazuliGold IngotsFlint and Steel (made from a Gold Ingot and a Diamond)Biome Requirement: Hot, Dry, or Mountainous biomeStep 1: Gather Materials Collect the necessary materials for creating the Keystone Blocks and activating the portal. You'll need Redstone, Lapis Lazuli, Gold Ingots, and a Flint and Steel tool.Step 2: Smelt Redstone and Lapis Lazuli Place Redstone ore and Lapis Lazuli ore into a furnace to smelt them. This will turn them into Crystallized Redstone and Crystallized Lapis Lazuli, respectively.Step 3: To craft Keystone Blocks, arrange four Crystallized Redstone, four Crystallized Lapis Lazuli, and one Gold Ingot into a crafting table. This will craft one Keystone Block.Step 4: To set up the Gaia Portal, arrange multiple Keystone Blocks in the same pattern as a Nether Portal frame. The frame should be at least 5 blocks tall and 4 blocks wide, just like a standard Nether Portal.Step 5: To activate the Gaia Portal, craft a special Flint and Steel tool by placing a diamond and a gold ingot in a crafting grid and use it to light the inside of the portal frame. The portal will ignite with a unique glowing fire. Enter the portal to teleport yourself to the Gaia Dimension.It's important to note that this is a Forge mod, and you can find the download links below. Make sure to read the installation instructions carefully for a smooth experience.

Glassential 2

Glassential is a mod that adds new special types of glass to your game, such as Luminous Glass -  emits lightRedstone Glass -  emits a strong redstone signal. Dark Glass - prevents light from escaping (which can be good for mob farms and is similar to the one in Dark Utils)Ghostly glass - lets mobs pass-throughEthereal Glass - like Ghostly but for playersAnd MoreThere are also Reverse Ethereal Glass and Tinted glasses, which have the properties of both their original glass type and the tinted glass. These glasses provide new ways to make your game more interesting and fun. It is compatible with ConnectedTexturesMod so you can have connected textures. 

Optifine Latest 27

Optifine is a free, highly popular, and powerful mod for Minecraft developed by sp614x. Its primary mission is to enhance the game's performance by optimizing its code and providing players with numerous graphical customization options. Since its release, Optifine has become a staple for many Minecraft players, regardless of their hardware's capabilities, as it dramatically improves frame rates and reduces lag.FPS Boost: By fine-tuning the rendering engine, Optifine boosts the frames per second (FPS), leading to a smoother gaming experience. This is especially beneficial for players with lower-end computers or laptops, as it allows them to play Minecraft without frustrating lags or choppy frame rates. Configurable Settings: Optifine grants players the ability to customize the game's visual settings according to their hardware specifications. Users can adjust details like render distance, texture quality, smooth lighting, and particles, tailoring the experience to suit their preferences while maintaining a balanced performance. The Beauty of Shaders: Beyond its performance-enhancing features, Optifine is renowned for unlocking the true beauty of Minecraft through shaders. Shaders are graphical packages that introduce stunning visual effects, turning the game into a captivating work of art. With Optifine installed, players can seamlessly use various shader packs and immerse themselves in a whole new world of aesthetic splendor.Simply follow the download links provided below.

RFTools Control 4

RFTools Control is an addon mod for  RFTools which provides users with a visual grid-based programming language for automation control allowing players to Move Items aroundControl RedstoneCheck energy (RedstoneFlux) and more. Still, it also provides direct access to a storage scanner-controlled system. The two primary blocks in RFTools Control are the Programmer and Processor blocks, which are necessary for creating and executing programs. The mod offers various networking options, allowing users to link different processor blocks together to create more complex automation systems. In general, RFTools Control is a powerful automation mod that provides users with an easy way to set up complex automation systems within the game. It is still in active development with many more features planned or planned to be improved (In newer versions, the mod will also allow the storage scanner to automatically craft items, though this feature has not yet been fully implemented and is still in development).

FreeCam by Zergatul 6

With FreeCam, you can get a spectator mode type camera while still in survival Minecraft. By using the provided keybinds, your camera becomes detached from the player, granting you unrestricted movement throughout the world. This feature enables you to explore every nook and cranny without any limitations.Are you ever curious about your surroundings in Minecraft? FreeCam comes to the rescue! It allows you to take a close look at your environment, observe mobs, and study the terrain from any angle you desire, providing a whole new perspective on your gameplay.One of the most fascinating aspects of FreeCam is the ability to clip through blocks. This means you can navigate effortlessly through mountains, caves, and buildings, making it an ideal tool for both exploration and cave locating.Taking stunning screenshots of your in-game character can be quite challenging, especially when limited to your character's perspective. FreeCam changes the game by enabling you to capture your player from various angles and perspectives, making your screenshots truly captivating.If you are a Minecraft builder, you'll appreciate FreeCam's potential for showcasing your creations. Capture your grand structures from the perfect viewpoint and share them.Keybinds and CommandsConfiguring speed control (since 1.1.0 version).Enter .freecam in chat to see your current settingsEnter invalid command (for example .freecam 1) to see helpChange maximum speed .freecam speed 100Change acceleration .freecam acc 100Change deceleration .freecam slow 0.001 (since 1.2.0 version)Enable rendering hands in freecam .freecam hands 1Disable rendering hands in freecam .freecam hands 0(unfortunately rendering hands functionality conflicts with OptiFine mod, it will not work) (since 1.3.0 version, removed in 1.5.0)Disable interactions with blocks/entities in freecam .freecam ia 0Enable interactions with blocks/entities in freecam .freecam ia 1You may want to disable this if you think this functionality is cheaty and you don't want to use it. In this case freecam mode is closer to spectator mode. (since 1.4.0 version)2 new keybindings you can use. They work only in freecam mode. Toggle Cam Control - use WASD keys to move your character, or camera. Toggle Eye Lock - you cannot rotate camera, it is always center on your character eyes. Crosshair and hands are not rendered in eye lock mode or when you control character. (since 1.5.0 version)Toggle Cam Control key replaced with Toggle Camera Lock. With Camera Lock enabled FreeCam position and rotation is locked, and you can use WASD keys to move your character and use mouse to rotate character.New setting:.freecam target 1 - default value. Game uses FreeCam position and rotation to calculate block or entity you target. This allows you to hit entities, place/break blocks, open containers you targeted in FreeCam mode (sometimes you can hit target you cannot normally see, or place blocks you normally cannot place). You can see target block debug information in F3 screen..freecam target 0 - if you think above mod behavior is cheaty you can disable it. With this setting you can still left/right click while in FreeCam mode, but these actions will target the same block/entities you target in normal mode. Crosshair is not rendered while in FreeCam mode. You cannot see FreeCam targeted block in F3 screen.(since 2.0.0 version).freecam path - display path information.freecam path add 1000 - add new point to the path with 1000ms delay (you should better watch video to get better understanding).freecam path clear - clear pathDiscover the exciting features of this exceptional Forge mod by exploring the captivating screenshots provided below. Simply follow the download links provided. Before proceeding, it is crucial to carefully read and adhere to the installation instructions for a seamless experience.

Actually Additions 5

Welcome to the fascinating world of Actually Additions, a Minecraft mod that brings a plethora of crafting ingredients and innovative tools to enhance your gameplay experience. If you've ever found yourself yearning for more diversity and convenience in your Minecraft adventures, then look no further. In this blog, we will delve into the depths of Actually Additions, uncovering its treasure trove of essential crafting items and unique features that will elevate your gaming to new heights.From the enigmatic Black Quartz, a valuable ore found between specific layers in the world, to the whimsical Smiley Cloud floating with a magical charm, there's no shortage of captivating elements awaiting you. We'll explore how these crafting ingredients play pivotal roles in various recipes, breathing life into the expansive world of Actually Additions.And when it comes to illumination, Lamps will illuminate your way with vibrant light and can be dyed in a stunning array of colors, offering the perfect ambience for every scene. But the wonders don't stop there - we'll also unveil the secret art of treasure hunting as you seek out elusive underwater Treasure Chests, containing valuable rewards for those lucky enough to find them.But it's not just about finding treasures; it's about crafting and automating with finesse. The Breakers and Placers introduce an innovative way to manipulate blocks from a distance, giving you the power to reshape your surroundings with ease. Additionally, the Fluid Placer and Fluid Collector bring fluid management to a new level, simplifying liquid transfers in your world.However, the true star of the show is the remarkable Phantomface. This ingenious invention not only connects inventories with finesse but also allows for simulated inventory interaction, granting you unprecedented control and flexibility in your item transfers. But beware, for while the Phantomface can work wonders, it's essential to learn its limitations and proper applications to make the most of this powerful tool.Discover the exciting features of this exceptional Forge mod by exploring the captivating screenshots provided below. To embark on this thrilling journey, simply follow the download links provided. Before proceeding, it is crucial to carefully read and adhere to the installation instructions for a seamless experience.

Ender Compass 1

Are your Ender eyes stuck in the walls? Frustrated with Ender eyes breaking when trying to locate a portal? Say goodbye to these worries, as the Ender Compass is here to solve all your problems!No more aimlessly wandering around to locate the end portal - the Ender compass will lead the way, making traveling to the portal a breeze. Gone are the days of getting lost in the vastness of the game world. With the Ender compass in hand, you can confidently embark on your quests, knowing that every step will bring you closer to your destination.So how can you use the Ender Compass ?First, you need to craft an Ender Compass using the recipe given below. The compass is basically a glass cage with an Eye of Ender floating in it. While floating in the circular glass cage, the Eye of Ender tends to along towards a certain direction. This direction represent the direction in which you should move in order to find a stronghold. This essentially works just like a regular compass, and here the Eye of Ender is analogous to the Red needle in a regular compass.You have to follow the Eye of Ender's direction for a while until it aligns itself to the center of the glass cage. This means that you are standing exactly on top of a stronghold. You can simply dig down to enter the stronghold.Please take a look at the screenshots to get an idea of what you can expect from this mod. It's important to note that this is a Forge mod, and you can find the download links below. Make sure to read the installation instructions carefully for a smooth experience.