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FallingTree (Forge&Fabric) Mod

FallingTree (Forge&Fabric) is a mod which makes trees automatically break when one of the logs are broken. Like many similar mods, you need an axe to work, without an axe or in creative mode and with a non-axe item.

There are 2 modes:

  • Instantaneous –     Makes it so the whole tree falls down when a single log is broken

  • Shift Down –     Makes it so when you break 1 log only the top log on the tree comes     down, which is not as much of cheating as Instant, but still gets     rid of the massive annoyance of getting the top logs. This is     different than similar mods where in some similar mods or plug-ins     Shift can either be required to cut down all the logs or be used to     cut only a single log, so shift is a different key in many mods so     it is important to keep track of what it does in this mod, do note     though that this mod actually adds both of the alternate modes     mentioned such as sneak to disable or sneak required in the config     so it is important to keep track of this.

The mod is highly customisable, some of the things you can customise are:   

  • What blocks and     leaves are considered trees (good for some modpacks and modded trees     and content)

  • The tools which     can be allowed (alternate axe types or other tools entirely 

  • Whether or not     leaves are also taken down.

  • Ability to     modify whether sneak is required or makes the ability disabled 

  • The ability to     change the speed to chop down the tree based on size ( such as if     you want bigger trees to take longer to cut like some other mods do.    

  • Decide whether     or not the tools take damage (you can also make it so that tools can     take damage based on the number of blocks broken and so axes with 1     durability cant mine if you want).

The mod requires Cloth Config to do some of the config, it can be installed separately. There is a wiki for info on config.

This mod is very good for if you have some mods with really massive trees similar to like the ones Orespawn had, it is also very customisable but not quite as game changing as Dynamic Trees (which changes the shape of some trees, adds twigs, and has animations). There are many server side plugins which do similar things, all in all it is generally a pretty good vanilla plus mod.