Mods for Minecraft 1.19.4

Discover some of the wonderful mods for Minecraft version :version. These will make your Minecraft world even more fascinating to explore by adding a whole bunch of new functionalities, items, blocks and even new landscapes.

OpenBlocks Elevator 19

The best vertical travel method! Quickly teleport between vertical heights using elevator blocks. Apply camouflage to these blocks to blend them into your build.

Immersive Structures 2

Immersive structures is a mod that adds 22 new structures to our Minecraft world.With this mod, you will be able to visit new structures in addition to the classic:airship, bee house, el dorado, train

Born in Chaos 9

Introduces new hostile mobs, weapons, and decorative blocks, enhancing survival challenges and compatibility with biome mods

Effortless Building 12

The Effortless Building mod is a tool that simplifies and enhances the building experience in Minecraft. It is designed for players who want to create intricate structures or large-scale builds withou

Connectible Chains 15

Chains in the vanilla game look like rods. But not anymore! Connectible Chains is here to make chains realistic!

Infectum 3

Introduces infection and cultism mechanics with altars, summoning rituals, new mobs, and unique ruins

Plushie 6

Adds decorative plushies for almost all mobs, which can be crafted and carried for personalization

Distant Horizons 9

Explore visual graphics beyond your wildest imagination. Extremely high render distances, now with shader support! Let your eyes meet the horizon thousands of blocks away.

Additional Enchanted Miner 6

Adds powerful machines for large-scale mining and resource gathering, requiring external energy sources to operate

Zombie Horse Spawn 24

Enables zombie horses to spawn naturally in survival mode with customizable rarity settings

Diagonal Fences 7

Enables placing fences diagonally

Shroom Dealers 0

Interact with neutral mushroom traders offering explosive items, nutritious soups, and unique trades in magical shroomy villages

FastLeafDecay 28

Expedites leaf decay rapidly after tree removal

The Twilight Forest 8

Embark on an adventure in a unique dimension with intricate dungeons, epic boss battles, and valuable treasures

Gaia Dimension 4

Explore a unique magical dimension with distinct visuals and features. Construct a portal to access the mystical Gaia Dimension.

Freecam 11

Experience enhanced third-person perspective with this mod, featuring versatile camera controls and extensive customization options.

Item Highlighter 0

Highlights new items in your inventory

Quality Sounds 1

Placing blocks now emit sound effects

Lithosphere 8

Push the boundaries of realistic lanscapes further than ever before. Rivers, lakes, valleys, deserts, jungles and many more beautifully crafted biomes

3D Placeable Food

Transform your game with detailed, interactive 3D food items that add decor and shareable functionality.