Mods for Minecraft 1.19.3

Discover some of the wonderful mods for Minecraft version :version. These will make your Minecraft world even more fascinating to explore by adding a whole bunch of new functionalities, items, blocks and even new landscapes.

Mob Capturing Tool 3

Some mobs can easily be moved from one place to another by luring them using their favorite food items. If you want a chicken to move to a required place, hold out some seeds and it will follow you around. You can use wheat for cows, carrots or potatoes for pigs, etc.But for some other mobs, this is not the case. If you have built a villager trading hall, and want to transport villagers from their village to the trading hall, you will have to rely on using boats. You have to go through the slow, tiresome task of making villagers sit inside a boat and then ride the boat yourself. What if there was a solution to this?Worry no more! The Mob Capturing Tool mod is here to your assistance. As the name suggests, this mod adds a mob capturing tool to the game. This tool can be used to pick up mobs, store them in your inventory and release them wherever you want to. The tool can be crafted using the recipe given below.Moving villagers from their villages into your trading hall is no longer a headache. Simply right click on the villager using the mob capturing tool to pick them up. You can store them in your inventory to transport them wherever you want, and then release them.Download this simple, yet highly useful mod, by using the links given in the Downloads tab.

MixerLogger 41

This is a tool used for debugging modpacks which scans your mods for mods which have annotations associated with common Mixer APIs such as SpongeMixin, Tuna-Bytes (soon), PizzaMixin(soon), and AssistMixer(soon) as well as some Aspect Orientated Programming APIs. For all the files that meet these criterias, it lists the name, the jar file it is in, the known targets (except for ones which do not specify the targets in the file itself like AssistMixer), the Class References, the Method References, and the Field References, with the possibility to add even more information in the future. On launchers which support System.out.println it will show the information in the console, the logs are also saved in (.)minecraft/logs/MixerLogger.log so you can access it. This is helpful if you are making a very large modpack and one of these breaks the game, this will allow you to have a better idea where it can be coming from. It loads itself before or during SpongeMixin or similar tools in most cases. The code for this is largelly loader independent meaning with a basic entrypoint it can be supported on most loaders and even most games in Java. Same Jar is used in more than 1 loader. Should work with Abstraction layer mods like Special Compatibility Operation, NeoFromTheMatrix, or Sintrya Connector just fine.The logs will be a tiny bit hard to read, but ideally anyone who is using this will be using ⌘+F or Ctrl+F to find specific peices of information. An example of a individual mixer class's info is as followsClass Name: net.fabricmc.fabric.mixin.client.model.BakedModelManagerMixinTargets: [net.minecraft.class_1092]ClassRef: [net.minecraft.class_1087, org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Mixin, java.util.Map, net.minecraft.class_1092, net.fabricmc.api.Environment, net.fabricmc.fabric.mixin.client.model.BakedModelManagerMixin, net.fabricmc.api.EnvType, org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.Shadow, java.lang.Object, net.fabricmc.fabric.impl.client.model.BakedModelManagerHooks, net.minecraft.class_2960]MethodRef: [java.util.Map.get(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;]FieldRef: [net.fabricmc.fabric.mixin.client.model.BakedModelManagerMixin.field_5408:Ljava/util/Map;]Originating JAR: fabric-api-0.75.1+1.19.2.jar-------------------- But it can be more daunting for much larger ones LimitationsAt the moment only Sponge Mixin is supported but others are soon planned and we also plan to list more info about modified methods and RefMap parsing. This also only goes 1 level deep for nested jars and javassist is bundled (which could conflict with a few mods but most other mods run AFTER this one so you would already have your information by the time such package conflict could happen). This only scans existing Mixer classes not ones created during runtime. This can make the game possibly unstable and also makes the game take longer to load so if you are not using it I would not suggest keeping it in your mods folder. Also atm only the folder called "mods" is supported but this will change. Platform support.FeatureCreepFeatureCreep 4.0 Pre Release 18 will come with this built in but it will need to be enabled in the FeatureCreep config (in the etc directory in your Minecraft Folder). However this jar supports FeatureCreep 4 Pre Release 17 to an extent if not being run on one of the other mentioned platforms. If you are on MCForge and have FeatureCreep this mod will confict due to both having the same packages at least on 1.17 due to Module changes. On platforms which do not come with SpongeMixin or a supported mixer it will need to be installed normally. The FeatureCreep built-in version will be the best maintained. The Pre-17 and earlier version of the mod will duplicate on Pre-18 or newer and is generally unsupported. Works on games outside of Minecraft written in Java and can be used on other loaders like LiteLoader and Rift and NeoForge and possibly older versions of MC Forge if FeatureCreep is installed. MinecraftForgeShould work on 1.17+, 1.16.5 and earlier has changes in the ITransformationService making it hard to do in the same file. FabricMCShould work on any version and in non-Minecraft games. May work on QuiltMC and other FabricMC derivatives but it is untested. Legacy and Cursed Legacy Fabric should also work. 

MCSkyblock 2

MCSkyblock introduces an exciting new world generation type called "Skyblock" directly into the world creation screen. The mod challenges players to survive and thrive in an isolated world with minimal resources. Starting with just a single tree and a patch of dirt, players must carefully strategize and progress through the game, eventually reaching even the Nether and the End. However, beware, as this journey is not for the faint-hearted - it requires dedication, patience, and a keen understanding of resource management.With dozens of configuration properties, players can tailor their gaming experience to their liking. From choosing the contents of starting chests to selecting which structures generate, the mod allows players to play the way they want to. Furthermore, MCSkyblock supports configurable biome-based sub islands, giving players the freedom to explore and survive in diverse environments. To create a MCSkyblock world, players must set World Type to "Skyblock" in the world creation menu.To embark on this thrilling journey, simply follow the download links provided. Before proceeding, it is crucial to carefully read and adhere to the installation instructions for a seamless experience.

Freecam 11

Freecam is an amazing camera that lets you detach your camera from your player and view yourself in third person perspective. This is especially useful when you have scout your surroundings while travelling or to take screenshots of your builds from a different angle. Compared to other camera mods, Freecam offers a lot more features and configurations. Let's take a look at some of the default keybinds and conguration options. It is recommended to use Modmenu for easier configuration.KeybindsToggle Freecam - Enables/disables Freecam - Default: F4Config GUI - Opens the settings screen - Defaul: UnboundControl Player - Transfers control back to your player, but retains your current perspective (Can only be used while Freecam is active.) - Default: UnboundReset Tripod - Resets a tripod* camera when pressed in combination with any of the hotbar keys - Default: Unbound*The freecam bind can also be used in conjunction with any of the hotbar keys (F4 + 1...9) to enter "tripod" mode. This enables you to set up multiple cameras with differing perspectives, and switch between them at will.Movement OptionsFlight Mode - The type of flight used by freecam. - Default: DEFAULT        - DEFAULT : Static velocity with no drifting        - CREATIVE : Vanilla creative flightHorizontal Speed - The horizontal speed of freecam. - Default: 1.0Vertical Speed - The vertical speed of freecam. - Default: 1.0Collision OptionsIgnore Transparent Blocks - Allows travelling through transparent blocks in freecam. - Default: trueIgnore Openable Blocks - Allows travelling through doors/trapdoors/gates in freecam. - Default: trueIgnore All Collision - Allows travelling through all blocks in freecam. - Default: trueAlways Check Initial Collision - Whether Initial Perspective should check for collision, even when using Ignore All Collision - Default: falseVisual OptionsInitial Perspective - The initial perspective of the camera. - Default: INSIDE       - FIRST_PERSON : The player's perspective       - THIRD_PERSON : Behind the player       - THIRD_PERSON_MIRROR : In front of the player       - INSIDE : Inside the playerShow Player - Shows your player in its original position. - Default: trueShow Hand - Whether you can see your hand in freecam. - Default: falseFull Brightness - Increases brightness while in freecam. - Default: falseShow Submersion Fog - Whether you see a fog overlay underwater, in lava, or powdered snow. - Default: falseUtility OptionsDisable on Damage - Disables freecam when damage is received. - Default: trueFreeze Player - Prevents player movement while freecam is active. - Default: false        - WARNING: Multiplayer usage not advised.Allow Interaction - Whether you can interact with blocks/entities in freecam. - Default: false        - WARNING: Multiplayer usage not advised.Interaction Mode - The source of block/entity interactions. - Default: CAMERA        - CAMERA : Interactions come from the camera        - PLAYER : Interactions come from the playerNotification OptionsFreecam Notifications - Notifies you when entering/exiting freecam. - Default: trueTripod Notifications - Notifies you when entering/exiting tripod cameras. - Default: trueIt's important to note that this mod offers version for both Forge and Fabric, and you can find the download links below. Make sure to read the installation instructions carefully for a smooth experience.

Reborn Core 19

Reborn Core is a library mod used in many of Tech Reborn developers' mods. It incorporates a robust event system, enabling modders to create dynamic and interactive content. Some of their most popular mods that depend on Reborn Core include Quantum Storage, Fluxed Redstone, Hardcore Map Reset and more.Note that Reborn Core for 1.14+ versions use Fabric and therefore they require Fabric API to function. Download links for this library mod are given below.

Simple Backpack 5

Simple Backpack is a simple, lightweight mod that allows you to craft a backpack so you can have an extra 27 inventory slots to store your essentials while travelling.Once you craft a backpack, you simply have to place it in your inventory. You can right click a backpack in your inventory to view it's contents.It's important to note that this is a Forge mod, and you can find the download links below. Make sure to read the installation instructions carefully for a smooth experience.

Diamond Ingots 5

Diamond Ingots makes obtaining diamonds a lot more different. The process will be tiresome and difficult in the beginning. But as you progress towards the endgame, it becomes more and more rewarding.Mining diamonds is now a delicate process, therefore you can expect the diamond to break into shards while mining a diamond ore.You can obtain regular diamonds from loot chests or by smelting diamond ingots.A regular diamond can be broken down into one diamond shard.It's important to note that this mod offers versions for both Forge and Fabric, and you can find the download links below. Make sure to read the installation instructions carefully for a smooth experience.

Smooth Boot (Reloaded)

Smooth Boot (Reloaded) is an optimisation mod that has been designed to improve the loading times and reduce cursor stutter on PCs with 8 or fewer threads. It is a fork of the original Smooth Boot for 1.18.2 MCForge.  This lightweight mod changes the parameters of the executors, such as the number of threads used and their priority, to reduce the number of processing tasks during loading that can overload the CPU. This allows users to benefit from faster loading time and improved multitasking capabilities compared to without the mod installed. Since the mod works seamlessly with Canary, Pluto, Saturn, and LazyDFU and has been tested with generally few issues, it's good for not only those with low-end hardware but for everyone with different benefits for different performance levels. To get more information, users can visit the wiki. 

Macaw's Paintings 9

Having received an overwhelming number of likes and praise for their previous decoration mods, the mod developer Macaw has been inspired to explore a brand new direction - paintings!  The paintings showcased in this mod are the exceptional work of a talented artist named Peachy. With keen attention to detail and a unique artistic flair, Peachy's creations offer a seamless integration into the vanilla style of the game, making them an ideal addition to any virtual living space. A total of 46 captivating paintings have been carefully curated for this collection.Please take a look at the screenshots to get an idea of what you can expect from this mod. It's important to note that this is a Forge mod, and you can find the download links below. Make sure to read the installation instructions carefully for a smooth experience.

Presence footsteps 11

Presence Footsteps is a sound mod that existed since the early days of Minecraft. It introduces numerous realistic walking sounds to the game. With this mod installed, you will hear different sounds as you walk on different surfaces. For example, when you walk on cobblestone, you hear a very similar sound to when you step on stone in real life, and when you walk on iron blocks, you hear a metallic sound. Even when you walk on a carpet, you can hear the corresponding sound.Generally speaking, if you want to get more immersion into Minecraft, then you should definitely try out the Presence Footsteps mod.

Diagonal Fences 7

The Diagonal Fences mod revolutionizes the building experience, by offering a user-friendly and intuitive interface that complements both beginners and seasoned players alike. By using diagonal fences, builders can craft elegant bridges, charming lattice patterns, and realistic railings with ease. Builders no longer have to settle for clunky workarounds or being confined to grid-like constructions.This game-changing mod brings an innovative solution to the long-standing challenge of seamlessly connecting fences placed diagonally from one another. Gone are the days of unsightly gaps and disjointed designs, as this incredible mod effortlessly bridges the divide, granting players the ability to create stunning structures that were once thought impossible. All the fence variants are affected by this mod - wooden, stems and nether brick fences.Please take a look at the screenshots to get an idea of what you can expect from this mod. This mod offers versions for both Forge and Fabric, and you can find the download links below. Make sure to read the installation instructions carefully as this mod requires some extra dependencies to function.

Distant Horizons 3

Distant Horizons is a remarkable mod developed by talented Minecraft enthusiasts, designed to extend the render distance capabilities in the game. Unlike the vanilla version, where players might be restricted to a lower render distance, Distant Horizons allows users to see upto an astonishing 1024 chunks away from their current position. This means that Minecraft players can now explore their worlds like never before, enjoying breathtaking vistas of their creations from afar.One of the primary purposes of Distant Horizons is to allow players to admire their builds from a distance. The only drawback is a loss of quality, which is hardly noticeable unless you specifically look for it. Take a look at the screenshots given below. The screenshots were taken with a Minecraft render distance of 2 and a mod render distance of 1024. The resource efficiency is the best par of this mod. The great frame rates you will have while having hundreds of chunks loaded is insane.Even with the large render distance, your game will run relatively smoothly. It's optimized performance ensures a seamless gaming experience without compromising the overall enjoyment. One thing to note is that the mod does not support shaders.Please take a look at the screenshots to get an idea of what you can expect from this mod. This mod offers versions for both Forge and Fabric, and you can find the download links below. Make sure to read the installation instructions carefully for a smooth experience.