Mods for Minecraft 1.8.8

Discover some of the wonderful mods for Minecraft version :version. These will make your Minecraft world even more fascinating to explore by adding a whole bunch of new functionalities, items, blocks and even new landscapes.

FastLeafDecay 28

Expedites leaf decay rapidly after tree removal

Mo' Villages 5

Enhances Minecraft villages by introducing them in diverse biomes, unique architectural variants, and increased villager diversity

Reborn Core 19

Enhances modding capabilities with a versatile event system, supporting popular mods like Quantum Storage and Fluxed Redstone.

Optifine Latest 27

Optimizes performance with FPS boosts and customizable settings, enabling shader support for stunning visual enhancements.

Random Things 10

Enhance your gameplay with versatile features, including quirky gadgets, enchanting potions, and customizable redstone mechanics.

Fabric Language Kotlin 35

Fabric Language Kotlin is one of the many Fabric Language adapters for Kotlin. Language adapters let you write mods in programming languages other than pure Java (often but not always JVM-based langua

Skin Layers 3D (Fabric/Forge) 13

Skin Layers 3D (Fabric/Forge) is a mod which makes player skins 3D. Many skins have different appearances which contain things like glasses or other textures which can look different in a 3D mode. Ski

TL skin and cape 32

TL skin and cape is a mod for Minecraft which adds integration with TLauncher and accounts for the use of Skins and Capes. TLauncher is one of the most popular launchers and also one of the best ones.

MmmMmmMmmMmm (Target Dummy) 16

MmmMmmMmmMmm (Target Dummy) adds a Target Dummy that can be equipped with armour, which will reduce the damage it takes. It can also be dispensed from a dispenser and changed to mimic different mobs.

Tinkers construct 16

Tinkers Construct is a mod that adds a new progression system into the game and many new progression tiers of Minecraft tools and weapons. The mod offers a unique experience by creating custom and spe

Chunk Animator 9

Chunk Animator changes how newly generated chunks appear into your game. Normally, in vanilla Minecraft, newly generated chunks just pop into existence. But with this mod installed, the chunks will ha

Trash Slot 15

When you open your inventory in creative mode, there is a slot that you can use to delete unwanted items. All you have to do is to drag and drop items into this slot and that item will be gone forever

Mouse Tweaks 29

Mouse Tweaks is a very helpful utility mod that can be used to save a ton of time and effort while dealing with inventories and while manually moving and sorting items. The mod replaces the stand

Faster Ladder Climbing 8

No matter how advanced you are in your Minecraft world, ladders are slow. Eventhough the sole purpose of ladders is to allow you to climb vertical heights, it is rarely used for that purpose because o

WorldEdit 27

WorldEdit Mod is an essential tool for Minecraft builders, architects and map creators that want to make the construction of large-scale builds and complex terrains much simpler. This mod reduces the

Explorer's Compass 28

Explorer's Compass adds one new item into your game. This is a compass that you can craft using four cobwebs, four cracked stone bricks and a regular compass. This new compass, called the "Ex

Controlling 28

Controlling is a great utility mod that gives you the ability to easily find keybinds and fix keybinds that conflict with one another. The mod has over 80 Million downloads and offers versions for bot

Giselbaer's Durability Viewer 24

Giselbaer's Durability Viewer is an amazing utility mod that helps you solve the issue of tools, weapons and armors breaking unexpectedly. The vanilla game already provides a durability bar.

Nature's Compass 25

With over 48 Million downloads, Nature's Compass has gained its place as one of the most downloaded mods of all time. The mod adds a single item into the game, and that's the Nature's


Caterpillar Mod makes mining in Minecraft simple by introducing a customizable tunnel-digging machine. It will automatically create the 3x3 mineshafts. With this mod, you can simplify resource collect