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Tinkers Construct is a mod that adds a new progression system into the game and many new progression tiers of Minecraft tools and weapons. The mod offers a unique experience by creating custom and special tools from parts. The player can make those parts from different materials. Every material that can be used for crafting now has unique effects. Those effects vary from the durability of the finished tool to the effects which completely change how the tool works. The ability to combine multiple parts for your tools creates almost infinite possibilities. Every tool then can be upgraded to get similar effects like enchants from vanilla Minecraft. The mod offers a custom-created way of crafting those items. Your first steps will require you to create the first patterns, which allow the creation of basic and limited tools. The next milestone is the creation of a huge multi-block structure called smeltery. You can use it for smelting metallic ores into more advanced metal parts with better durability and many other effects. The mod offers a lot of customization in the config file and a lot of integration into other mods, which adds even more replayability and uniqueness.
Note: Mod requires Mantle to work!