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Davincis Vessels Mod

Davinicis Vassels mod is one of the most deserving mods to be in the list of this website. Probably you have heard it with the other name called Archimedes Ships, which was dedicated for the older versions of Minecraft up to 1.7.10, and now it is renamed to Davinicis Vassels. Mod adds one big functionaliy to the game, ships. Have you ever dreamed about building your own ship and float on it? Now it became the reality! With Davinicis Vassels mod you will be able to fly and float on your customized ship of any diminisions! Just construct the ship put the steering wheel, in case you want to fly also put balloons and explore the world, taking with you all the needed. 

To make your ship float/fly faster, put engine.

More detailed tutorial you will find in the video below

Below are the blocks from the mod and their crafts:

In case you do not want to struggle with craft recipes, download and install CraftGuide mod and see the crafts directly from your game!

Mod requires MovingWorld mod to be installed in your minecraft, download it here for your version.

Note that by default the number of blocks in ship are restricted. But you can change it in the config file located in .minecraft\config folder.