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Explorer's Compass Mod

Explorer's Compass adds one new item into your game. This is a compass that you can craft using four cobwebs, four cracked stone bricks and a regular compass. This new compass, called the "Explorer's Compass", will help you locate structures around your Minecraft world. First, you have to hold an explorer's compass in your hand and right click. This will open a GUI that shows you a list of all of the structures in game. The list will also include structures added by mods(if any). From this list, you can left click a structure to select it and simply press the "Start Search" button to start a search operation that will locate the selected structure that's nearest to you and display it's coordinates. You also have an option to teleport to the structure once it's been located.

This mod offers versions for both Forge and Fabric. The download links given below will lead you to the official curseforge files page, from where you can download your required mod version.