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Posts from Jaker
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Behold is the house that I constructed a year ago for my survival. The villa has its pool, several floors, garden and of caurse fascinating view to the sea! You can also see the yacht built near the v
More Ores In ONE adds new Tools & Armors from new Ores, found in the Overworld, Nether & End This Mod is basically an Add-On for Super Tools, but can al
Настал подходящий момент! (на самом деле, его немного рано, но я закончил его раньше, чем я ожидал). Поголовно я сделал, идей меч и доспехи идей, Спасибо за замечательные идеи и все. (Я не смог сделат
The ship includes a full interior from the keel to the top of the funnel and I know you will enjoy exploring! This ship was made with the help of; Dooku200(wing-man, kids clubs, crew, advice, sho
ModernArch is one of the most realistic resource packs you can find for new versions of Minecraft, with the most realistic materials and the perfect resolution for the best graphics. The resource
The simple texture pack that is going to change some of visual details like mobs, items, blocks and plants. Things are designed to give the game a bit of brightness and to make convenient atmosphere f