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Posts from Jaker
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Modern stylized texture pack with LabPBR support. Perfect texturepack to play with shaderpacks
Hear the sounds of your footsteps as you walk on different surfaces. Another realistic mod that addresses sound physics of Minecraft
Have you ever experienced rounded texturepack? Roundista is not another photo-realistic pack, but a beautifully designed stylized texturepack with full LabPBR support
Reimagine your game with incomparable lighting visuals consisting of block lights and ray-traced sharp shadows. Super optimized voxel shaderpack for average PCs
The time for epic adventures finally arrived. Eureka mod now blows the scope of your adventures way broader and enables you to sail on your custom ships. It fulfils the satisfaction levels of Archimed
This mod adds the Human Companion to help you in the Minecraft game. The companion will help you throughout your journey in Minecraft. They are the AI bots to help you carry your items, protect you, c