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Eureka Mod

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The time for epic adventures finally arrived. Eureka mod now blows the scope of your adventures way broader and enables you to sail on your custom ships. It fulfils the satisfaction levels of Archimedes' Ships (later Davincis Vessels) mod fans, who have long been waiting for the mod to get updated. Thanks to the powerful Valkyrien Skies library, this time, Eureka mod creators bring many more features to the table. The most epic feature you will ever notice in this mod is that the ship now follows almost all physics rules. You now should be careful with what blocks you use to construct the vessel since every block is assigned its own weight; as such, obsidian is way heavier than wood. The heavier block you place on the ship, the more it sinks into the water. Too many blocks on a ship will cause it to sink under the water completely. Also, the water level is not always uniform around a ship. For example, if the stern of a ship is heavier, the water level on that side will be higher compared to the bow.

Floating is not only limited to water, you can also raise your ship to the air. For that, you need to ensure there are enough air balloons on your ship and their number directly depends on the heaviness of the ship.

Another great feature that comes with this mod is the possibility to walk on the ship and construct it while it is assembled, which was previously not possible in Davincis' Vessels mod. The ship is completely alterable while it is floating, which means you can remove blocks, add blocks, place torches and much more. It is also affected by external forces, like explosions. Blowing a TNT close to a ship will destroy its blocks and cause it to drift in the direction of an explosion.

There are a lot more features to come, though. I personally anticipate when TNT cannons can be used on a ship. Currently, you can use Medieval Siege Machines mods mod for cannons. There are also some bugs/limitations that you may encounter in your gameplay. The main limitation is a lack of a disassembly feature, and although it is possible to enable it in mod configs, disassembling your ship may deform it completely. The deck will be filled up with water while the ship is assembled, even if it is entirely isolated from water. Also, trying to sleep while the ship is floating causes a crash. But it is certainly a matter of time when these limitations are fixed.

Some guidelines for steering the ship include:

  • Use standard A, S, D, and W keys to navigate on horizontal axis
  • To raise an airship, use SPACE BAR and V key to descend it
  • For cruise control press C key
  • If you want some speed boost, make sure you place an engine and power it with coal

I can guarantee that the mod is going to blow your mind. I am also sure bringing ship physics to such a level meant not a small effort to the mod creators, so consider supporting them using the Patreon link given in the additional links below to keep the mod developing and improving.