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Magnum Torch Mod

Adds three powerful torches to prevent specific mobs from spawning in a large area

Magnum Torch is a mod that adds three powerful torches which can prevent mobs from spawning in a large radius. The torches are effective against new mobs, allowing spawners and raids to work as they should. The type of torch crafted determines the type of mobs that will be prevented from spawning.

The Diamond torch is effective against all monsters including zombies, skeletons, creepers, spiders, and phantoms, while the Emerald torch is effective against passive mobs like wandering traders and trader llamas. The Amethyst torch can prevent the spawning of cave and water mobs like bats, all squids, axolotls, and fish. The torches do not affect mobs that are already present in the world, and animals are not affected by the Emerald torch since they only spawn during world generation or breeding.