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MoreVanillaTools Mod

Something amazing helps you in this mod: All those stuff you keep stored and don't use, you can use them now!! Moreover, this mod helps you eliminate the fact that you should work hard and helps you avoid the grind !! Do you have an excessive amount of redstone or nether quartz? You have no idea what you're squandering your money on? This mod is the answer!
For the following materials, it adds the following information.
Each instrument has a legitimate reason to exist. Pickaxes have the most impact on mining the relevant mineral. Each instrument has a better likelihood of dropping more of the substance it's supposed to. Only obsidian speeds up the mining process.
Use caution while utilizing paper tools; they have the potential to kill you.
MoreVanillaLib makes this mod extremely customizable.
It's OK if you put it in a modpack. Please keep in mind that this is a Forge mod. Enjoy this mod and don't forget to download morevanillalib in order to use it !!