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Better Vanilla Building Texture Pack

Better Vanilla Building is an all-in-one texture pack that tweaks almost all aspects of the game. The pack offers a complete overhaul without straying away from the vanilla style. All of the new block textures are based on the vanilla textures. There are now new textures for armors, weapons and tools. The new textures makes these items much more detailed and majestic. Furthermore, you can rename tools, weapons and elytras in anvils to get different variants of these items. Try renaming a sword to Angel Sword or Fire Sword. The connected block textures of this pack are worth mentioning. You now get a variety of new blocks, including brick variants of blocks like andesite, diorite and granite. The brick variants too will connect seamlessly with one another using Optifine's connected textures. Yes, this pack requires Optifine to work properly. The GUI's of many blocks are also tweaked to look much more detailed and their designs represent the purpose of the block very well.

Download links for this packs are given below.